Nicholson & Ascherberg
Last updated: 01.02.24

Nicholson & Ascherberg has 9 publications posted in these webpages. They include 9 items of sheet music in the Lists of Works (Werkverzeichnisse).
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Dear Old Words (1871) Franz Abt J. Enderssohn (words)
sm15.gif Fare Thee Well, My Heart's Best Treasure! (187-) Franz Abt W.S. Passmore (words)
sm15.gif List! the Birds Are Singing (188-) Franz Abt Edward Oxenford (words)
sm15.gif As I View These Scenes So Charming (1853) Vincenzo Bellini
sm15.gif Under the Daisies (188-) Harrison Millard(w&m)
sm15.gif Waiting (1877) Harrison Millard E.H. Flagg (words)
Edith Chapman (perf.)
sm15.gif Knitting (189-) James L. Molloy Maria X. Hayes (words)
sm15.gif Would You Answer Yes or No? (187--) Charles E. Pratt George Cooper (words)
sm15.gif Der Bauer und seine Tauben (187-) Wilhelm Taubert