O.K. Houck Piano Co.
Last updated: 28.04.22
Address: Memphis, Tennessee, USA

O.K. Houck Piano Co. has 8 publications posted in these webpages. They include 8 items of sheet music in the Lists of Works (Werkverzeichnisse).
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Mississippi Teaser (1911) Hugh Canon
sm15.gif Monkey Rag (1911) Wheatley Davis
sm15.gif Gallery Gods Delight (1905) Joseph H. Denck
sm15.gif Possum Rag (1907) Geraldine Dobyns
sm15.gif Encore Rag (1912) Tad Fischer
sm15.gif Cotton Bolls (1901) Charles H. Hunter
sm15.gif Cutter (1909), The Elma Ney McClure
sm15.gif U.C.V. March (1901) Theodore H. Northrup