Chas. K. Harris
Last updated: 01.10.24
Address: New York, USA

Chas. K. Harris has 538 publications posted in these webpages. They include 36 items of piano sheet music at the Amazons and 502 items of sheet music in the Lists of Works (Werkverzeichnisse).
     Title Author Supplier
Piano Sheet Music:
sm15.gif The Neutrality March M. Bernard flag15us.gif
sm15.gif Albany H. Cannon flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif Jim Badger H. Cannon flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif Star of Hope L. Friedman flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif About Town J.R. Hubbell flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif Alexis From Texas J.R. Hubbell flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif Chow-Chow J.R. Hubbell flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif A Clever Stunt J.R. Hubbell flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif Forever and a Day J.R. Hubbell flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif A Girl at the Helm J.R. Hubbell flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif The Girl Who Loves to Love J.R. Hubbell flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif If Christopher Columbus Hadn't Sailed J.R. Hubbell flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif If I Could Only Land a Millionaire J.R. Hubbell flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif Kisses J.R. Hubbell flag15uk.gif
sm15.gif A Knight For a Day J.R. Hubbell flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif  La Danse Parisienne J.R. Hubbell flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif Le Dindon J.R. Hubbell flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif The Little Place That I Call Home J.R. Hubbell flag15uk.gif
sm15.gif Mam'selle Sally J.R. Hubbell flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif Mexicana (Hubbel) J.R. Hubbell flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif Paint Me a Picture of Mamma J.R. Hubbell flag15uk.gif
sm15.gif The Rooster Dance J.R. Hubbell flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif The Runaways J.R. Hubbell flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif She's a Queen J.R. Hubbell flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif Louisiana Lou B.M. Jerome flag15us.gif
sm15.gif Armenonville M. Levi flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif Higgledy Piggledy M. Levi flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif The Rolling Chair M. Levi flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif Twiddle Twaddle M. Levi flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif Sweet Star of Love O. Migliaccio flag15us.gif
sm15.gif My Dearest Girl T.H. Northrup flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif  Cupid at Vassar A.B. Sloane flag15us.gif
sm15.gif Heaven Will Protect the Working Girl A.B. Sloane flag15us.gif
sm15.gif Li'l Mose A.B. Sloane flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif Sergeant Kitty A.B. Sloane flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif The Light that Lies in My Sweetheart's Eyes E. Smith flag15uk.gif
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Dreams (1910) Alfred E. Aarons George Totten Smith (words)
sm15.gif I Love You Every Hour of the Day (1908) Alfred E. Aarons Robert B. Smith (words)
sm15.gif Nellie the Lady's Maid (1908) Alfred E. Aarons Robert B. Smith (words)
sm15.gif On a Hottentot Honeymoon (1910) Alfred E. Aarons Geo. Totten Smith (words)
sm15.gif Girl From the Golden West (1908) Bob Adams(w&m)
sm15.gif My Water-Lou (1902) Bob Adams Jeff T. Branen (words)
sm15.gif Oh, You Candy Kid (1909) Bob Adams(w&m) John L. Golden (co-author)
Ada Jones (perf.)
sm15.gif Man of the Hour (1908), The Rudolf Aronson
sm15.gif Our President (1904) Rudolf Aronson
sm15.gif My Sweet Eileen (1898) Charles E. Baer(w&m) Byrd. Dougherty (co-author)
Marie Jansen (perf.)
sm15.gif Dream of Heaven Waltzes - Song (1903) Arthur W. Bauer C. H. Brown (words)
sm15.gif Rustic Divertisement (1915), A Atelier Bédois
sm15.gif Homespun Rag (1910) Austin S. Benson
sm15.gif Neutrality March (1915), The Mike Bernard Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif That Ticklin' Rag (1910) Mike Bernard
sm15.gif Tim Reilly (1898) Henry F. Blaese(w&m) Lizzie B. Raymond (perf.)
Emma Carus (perf.)
Imogene Comer (perf.)
Lydia Barry (perf.)
J. Bernard Dyllyn (perf.)
sm15.gif Daphne (1911) Bessie Boniel J. Russel Robinson (co-author)
sm15.gif  It's a Long Time Coming! (1895) Frederic V. Bowers Charles Horwitz (words)
sm15.gif In Paradise Waltz (1897) Edmund Braham
sm15.gif Hottest Ever (1898), The Charles B. Brown Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Mobile Prance (1901), The Charles B. Brown Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Albany (1904) Hughie Cannon May Irwin (words)
May Irwin (perf.)
sm15.gif Jim Badger (1904) Hughie Cannon(w&m)
sm15.gif American Caprice Mazurka (1895) Jos Clauder
sm15.gif Christian March (1898) Jos Clauder
sm15.gif Cymbeline Waltzes (1897) Jos Clauder
sm15.gif Hello Central, Give Me Heaven (1901) Jos Clauder(w&m)
sm15.gif I'm Wearing My Heart Away For You (1902) Jos Clauder(w&m) Minnie Fisher Middleton (perf.)
Kelly & Gallot (perf.)
sm15.gif Organ-Grinder's Serenade (1897), The Jos Clauder(w&m)
sm15.gif Palm Garden March (1896) Jos Clauder
sm15.gif Prince of Good Fellows March (1900) Jos Clauder
sm15.gif Then Comes the Sad Awakening (1896) Jos Clauder Charles K. Harris (words)
Gertrude Kutledge (perf.)
sm15.gif Travelingmen's Protective Association March (1898) Jos Clauder
sm15.gif It Might Have Been You (1920) Sam Coslow(w&m) Sylvia Clark (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm Wild About Moonshine (1920) Henry Creamer(w&m) Turner Layton (co-author)
sm15.gif  It Must Be Love (1920) Henry Creamer(w&m) Turner Layton (co-author)
sm15.gif Open Your Heart (1920) Henry Creamer(w&m) Turner Layton (co-author)
sm15.gif Pussy Foot (1920) Henry Creamer(w&m) Turner Layton (co-author)
sm15.gif My Sweet Eileen (1898) George Byrd Dougherty Charles E. Baer (words)
sm15.gif Tale of a Stroll (1905), The George Byrd Dougherty George Totten Smith (words)
Marion Stanley (perf.)
Corinne Morgan (perf.)
Frank C. Stanley (perf.)
sm15.gif Bye and Bye (1912) Leo Edwards Blanche Merrill (words)
Courtney Sisters (perf.)
sm15.gif Cherie (1914) Leo Edwards Melville Alexander (words)
José Collins (perf.)
sm15.gif I Can't Be True to One Little Girl When Another Little Girl Comes 'round (1912) Leo Edwards Gladys Clark (perf.)
Henry Bergman (perf.)
sm15.gif I Could Say Good Night to a Thousand Girls (1914) Leo Edwards Will D. Cobb (words)
Stewart Baird (perf.)
sm15.gif I Just Came in to Say Hello (1913) Leo Edwards Will. D. Cobb (words)
James B. Carson (perf.)
sm15.gif I Want to Dance, Dance, Dance (1912) Leo Edwards Blanche Merrill (words)
Edith Clifford (perf.)
Harry Tighe (perf.)
sm15.gif If a Bee Won't Behave in a Bee-Hive (1913) Leo Edwards Arthur J. Lamb (words)
Cordelia Haager (perf.)
George Austin Moore (perf.)
Sam Bernard (perf.)
sm15.gif If I Had a Girl Like You (1913) Leo Edwards Will D. Cobb (words)
sm15.gif If They Don't Stop Making Them So Beautiful (1913) Leo Edwards Will D. Cobb (words)
Cross & Josephine (perf.)
sm15.gif Sarah (1913) Leo Edwards Herman Timberg (words)
sm15.gif Tanguay Tangle (1912), The Leo Edwards Blanche Merrill (words)
sm15.gif Too Much Trouble (1914) Leo Edwards
sm15.gif Waltz of the Rose (1914) Leo Edwards J. Lind (words)
Adelaide & Hughes (perf.)
Mary Adelaide Dickey (perf.)
sm15.gif  We've Had a Lovely Time, So Long, Good-Bye (1912) Leo Edwards Blanche Merrill (words)
Gladys Clark (perf.)
Henry Bergman (perf.)
sm15.gif While They Were Dancing Around (1912) Leo Edwards Blanche Merrill (words)
sm15.gif Will You Bring Back My Bonnie to Me (1912) Leo Edwards Blanche Merrill (words)
sm15.gif Come Take a Trip in My Air-Ship (1904) George Evans(w&m) Ren Shields (co-author)
Edna Wallace Hopper (perf.)
Ethel Robinson (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
John W. Myers (perf.)
sm15.gif Take Me Up in Your Airship Willie (1909) George Evans Ren Shields (words)
sm15.gif You're the Sweetest Flower That Grows in Tennessee (1903) George Evans Ren Shields (words)
sm15.gif Sweet Sana-Oo (1904) William T. Francis Vernon Roy (words)
W. Talleur Andrews (perf.)
sm15.gif Edna Waltzes (1904), The Cass M. Freeborn Edna May (perf.)
sm15.gif I Could Love a Million Girls (1906) Cass M. Freeborn Edgar Allan Woolf (words)
sm15.gif Slumberland (1913) Harold B. Freeman(w&m)
sm15.gif Star of Hope (1902) Leo Friedman
sm15.gif Berrys and the Nutts (1944) Jack Frost(w&m)
sm15.gif My Indiana Hannah (1901) Mortimer Furchgott(w&m) Ethel Robinson (perf.)
sm15.gif Mandy Jane (1910) Ed Gallagher Al. Sheany (co-author)
Karl Lausig (words)
Ed Gallager (perf.)
Al Sheany (perf.)
sm15.gif Leave the World a Little Better Than You Found It (1918) Jack Glogau Will Stanley (words)
sm15.gif I Want to Bring You a Ring (1910) John L. Golden(w&m) Marie Dressler (perf.)
sm15.gif Ev'rybody Shimmies Now (1918) Joe Gold Sophie Tucker (perf.)
sm15.gif Give Me a Syncopated Tune (1921) Joe Gold Eugene West (words)
Bee Palmer (perf.)
sm15.gif  Grasshopper's Hop (1916), The Joe Gold
sm15.gif Kamel-Land (1920) Joe Gold
sm15.gif Mother Love (1919) Joe Gold Eugene West (words)
sm15.gif After 'While (1909) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif After Nine (1893) Charles K. Harris
sm15.gif After the Ball (1893) Charles K. Harris
sm15.gif After the Ball - Song (1892) Charles K. Harris(w&m) J. Aldrich Libbey (perf.)
Gloria Hart (perf.)
Art Kassel (perf.)
Edna Murphy (perf.)
sm15.gif All For the Love of a Girl (1896) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif All I Want Is a Cottage, Some Roses, and You (1916) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Geoffrey de Vere O'Hara (perf.)
sm15.gif Always in the Way (1903) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Flossie Allen (perf.)
Belle Belmont (perf.)
Chas. Falk (perf.)
Marie Laurent (perf.)
Martha Lowe (perf.)
Charlotte Ravenscroft (perf.)
Ethel Robinson (perf.)
May Walsh (perf.)
sm15.gif Always Me (1908) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif American Hearts (1916) Charles K. Harris
sm15.gif And a Little Child Shall Lead Them (1906) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Baby Hands (1913) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Back Home and Broke (1922) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Thomas Meighan (perf.)
sm15.gif Belle of the Ball (1906) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Best Thing in Life (1907), The Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Better Than Gold (1895) Charles K. Harris Evelyn Britton (perf.)
Eleanor Kent (perf.)
sm15.gif  Break the News to Mother (1897) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Lydia Barry (perf.)
John H. Bieling (perf.)
Evelyn Britton (perf.)
Flo Chester (perf.)
Imogene Comer (perf.)
Ella Dean (perf.)
Samuel H. Dudley (perf.)
Frank Ferera (perf.)
Charles Foster (perf.)
William F. Hooley (perf.)
Alfred Hurley (perf.)
Helen Louise (perf.)
Jere Mahoney (perf.)
Raymon Moore (perf.)
Maude Needham (perf.)
Sisters Silcott (perf.)
sm15.gif Can You Pay? (1915) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Cast Aside (1895) Charles K. Harris(w&m) J. Edgar Johnston (perf.)
Ola Hayden (perf.)
Imogene Comer (perf.)
sm15.gif Climb a Tree With Me (1912) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Come Back! (1916) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Creep, Baby, Creep (1890) Charles K. Harris
sm15.gif Danger in You Eyes (1925) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Dear College Chums (1898) Charles K. Harris
sm15.gif Don't Blame Me For Lovin' You (1911) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Don't Forget to Tell Me That You Loves Me Honey (1895) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Don't Give Me Diamonds, All I Want Is You (1910) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Don't You Wish You Were Back Home Again? (1913) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Freeman & Dunham (perf.)
Byal & Early (perf.)
sm15.gif Down in the Vale of Shenandoah (1904) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Sabel Johnson (perf.)
sm15.gif Dreaming Love of You (1905) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Dry Your Tears (1917) Charles K. Harris Lucille Cavanagh (perf.)
sm15.gif Fairy Moon (1911) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Grace Edmonds (perf.)
sm15.gif Fallen by the Wayside (1892) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Farewell Sweetheart May (1904) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif  Fifty Times a Day (1894) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Fifty Years Ago (1894) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Fireflies (1918) Charles K. Harris
sm15.gif Fly Away Birdie, to Heaven (1905) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Clara Wieland (perf.)
Lottie Learn (perf.)
sm15.gif For Old Tiime's Sake (1900) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Jere Mahoney (perf.)
sm15.gif For Sale - a Baby (1903) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Baby Lester (perf.)
Baby Harrold (perf.)
sm15.gif Girl of My Dreams (1903), The Charles K. Harris(w&m) Madame Mantelli (perf.)
sm15.gif Harris Mandolin and Guitar Folio - No. 5 (1904) Charles K. Harris
sm15.gif Hello Central, Give Me Heaven (1901) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Steve Porter (perf.)
John H. Bieling (perf.)
Vic Abbs (perf.)
Belle Stewart (perf.)
Baby Lund (perf.)
Mark Fisher (perf.)
sm15.gif Hooks and Eyes (1914) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif I Knew (1925) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif I Long For You To-Night (1912) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif I Love Her Just the Same (1896) Charles K. Harris Kate Clivette (perf.)
sm15.gif I Wonder Who's Next in Your Heart (1914) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif I'm Coming Back to You (1913) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Byrd Dougherty (co-author)
sm15.gif I'm Starving For One Sight of You (1908) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif I'm Trying So Hard to Forget You (1904) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Delia Donald (perf.)
Francis Elwood (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm Wearing My Heart Away For You (1902) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Eva Grau (perf.)
Pierce & Maizee (perf.)
Geo Donaldson (perf.)
Franklyn Wallace (perf.)
Minnie Fisher Middleton (perf.)
sm15.gif  I've a Longing in My Heart For You, Louise (1900) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Joseph Natus (perf.)
Inga Orner (perf.)
Ethel Robinson (perf.)
Lillie Lawson (perf.)
Louise Beaton (perf.)
Margaret Kingore (perf.)
sm15.gif I've Been Faithful to You (1897) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif I've Just Come Back to Say Good-Bye (1897) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Lizzie B. Raymond (perf.)
sm15.gif In the City Where Nobody Cares (1910) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif In the Good Old Fashioned Way (1901) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Iola (1925) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Is Life Worth Living (1893) Charles K. Harris Julie Mackey (perf.)
sm15.gif Is There a Letter for Me? (1918) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Isle of Dreams Waltzes (1903), The Charles K. Harris
sm15.gif It Might Have Been (1908) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Chas. K. Harris (words)
sm15.gif It's Always June When You're in Love (1910) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Just a Bit of Driftwood (1918) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Just a Gleam of Heaven in Her Eyes (1904) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Just Behind the Times (1896) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Just Let Me Creep Back (1920) Charles K. Harris Chas. K. Harris (words)
sm15.gif Just Next Door (1902) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Chas. K. Harris (words)
George H. Diamond (perf.)
Lillian Robson (perf.)
sm15.gif Just One Kiss (1900) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Just Tell Her That I Loved Her Too (1899) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Rena Aubrey (perf.)
sm15.gif  Kathleen (1917) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Kiss, and Let's Make Up (1891) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Last Farewell (1903), The Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Last Night (1900) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Lights of My Home Town (1915) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif List'nin' In (1922) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Little Brook, a Little Girl, a Little Love (1920) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Sam Coslow (co-author)
sm15.gif Love and Kisses (1904) Charles K. Harris
sm15.gif Love and Tears (1912) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Love O' Mine (1917) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Ma Black Tulip (1900) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Mabel Hite (perf.)
sm15.gif Ma Mississippi Babe (1920) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Man, a Maid, a Moon, a Boat (1908), A Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Mid the Blue Grass of Kentucky (1909) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Mid the Green Fields of Virginia (1898) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Herietta Byron (perf.)
Samuel H. Dudley (perf.)
Joseph Natus (perf.)
Evelyn Britton (perf.)
sm15.gif Mud-Pie Days (1894) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Must We Say Goodbye Forever Nellie Dear (1901) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Margaret Kingore (perf.)
sm15.gif My Mama Lives Up in the Sky (1915) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif  My Virginia (1907) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif No One Else Can Take Your Place (1913) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Nobody Knows, Nobody Cares (1909) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Will Oakland (perf.)
sm15.gif Not 'till Then (1912) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif On a Little Side Street (1921) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Joseph Edgar Howard (co-author)
Billy Jones (perf.)
Ada Jones (perf.)
Ernest L. Stevens (perf.)
sm15.gif One Night in June (1899) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Raymon Moore (perf.)
Jere Mahoney (perf.)
Emma Carus (perf.)
Nielsen Sisters (perf.)
Helen Mora (perf.)
sm15.gif One-Two Polka (1916) Charles K. Harris
sm15.gif Only a Tangle of Golden Curls (1892) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Organ Grinder's Serenade (1897), The Charles K. Harris
sm15.gif Please, Miss Central, Find My Mamma (1913) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Rabbi's Daughter (1899), A Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif School Bells (1891) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Scuse Me To-Day (1909) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Since Katie Rides a Wheel (1893) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Carrie Behr (perf.)
sm15.gif Sing Me to Sleep (1919) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Nitta Jo (perf.)
sm15.gif Sitting by the Kitchen Door (1893) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Smiling Lips (1909) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Somewhere (1906) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif  Songs of Yesterday (1916) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Songs We Love (1927) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Story of a Soul (1916), The Charles K. Harris Leo Wood (words)
sm15.gif Strangers (1893) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Suppose I Met You Face to Face (1913) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Sweet Maid Divine (1904) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Corinne Morgan (perf.)
Frank C. Stanley (perf.)
sm15.gif Take Me in Your Arms Again (1907) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Tell Me a Beautiful Story (1912) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif That Swaying Harmony (1912) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Stella Tracey (perf.)
sm15.gif Then Comes the Sad Awakening (1896) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Gertrude Rutledge (perf.)
sm15.gif There Is No Flag Like the Red, White and Blue (1898) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif There'll Come a Time (1895) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Ola Hayden (perf.)
Bix Beiderbecke (perf.)
Lydia Barry (perf.)
sm15.gif There's Another Picture in My Mamma's Frame (1907) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Those Wonderful Words (1915) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Thou Shalt Not Steal (1917) Charles K. Harris Jack Yellen (words)
sm15.gif Tie That Binds (1901), The Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Tis Not Always Bullets That Kill (1901) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Beatrice Norman (perf.)
Grace & Frank Graham (perf.)
sm15.gif Too Late! Alas! Too Late! (1895) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif  Waiting For Footsteps That Never Came (1894) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Was I a Fool? (1909) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif What Does the Flower Say? (1894) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif What Is a Home Without Love? (1900) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Eugene Wiener (perf.)
Mary Lane (perf.)
Flossie Allen (perf.)
sm15.gif When Angels Weep (1914) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif When the Cherry Trees Are Blooming in Japan (1918) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif When the Golden Leaves Are Falling (1911) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif When the Lights Went Out (1896) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif When the Lotus Flowers Bloom in Chinaland (1919) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif While the Dance Goes On (1894) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Why Did You Come Into My Life? (1918) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Why Don't They Play With Me? (1904) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Will I Find My Mamma There? (1898) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Raymon Moore (perf.)
Rena Aubrey (perf.)
sm15.gif Will the Roses Bloom in Heaven? (1911) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Henry Burr (perf.)
sm15.gif Will You Be True? (1918) Charles K. Harris
sm15.gif Without a Wedding Ring (1906) Charles K. Harris
sm15.gif Without You by My Side (1924) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Without Your Love, Ah! Let Me Die! (1898) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Gertrude Haynes (perf.)
Eleanor Kent (perf.)
sm15.gif  Won't You Come to Dolly's Party? (1912) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Would You Care? (1905) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Yankee (1917) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif Yesterday (1907) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif You Kissed Me (1914) Charles K. Harris Sonia Baraban (perf.)
Chas. E. Grohs (perf.)
sm15.gif You Never Knew (1920) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif You Never Spoke to Me Like That Before (1903) Charles K. Harris(w&m)
sm15.gif You'll Never Know (1891) Charles K. Harris
sm15.gif Dream City and the Magic Knight (1907) Victor Herbert Edgar Smith (words)
sm15.gif Hannah (1906) Victor Herbert Cecelia Loftus (perf.)
sm15.gif Operatic Maiden (1907), An Victor Herbert Edgar Smith (words)
Lillian Blauvelt (perf.)
sm15.gif Rose of Algeria (1909), The Victor Herbert Glen MacDonough (words)
sm15.gif He Came from Milwaukee (1910) Louis Achille Hirsch Mark Elbert Swan (words)
Edgar Smith (words)
Edward Madden (words)
Sam Bernard (perf.)
sm15.gif My Tango Girl (1914) Louis Achille Hirsch Ethel Levey (perf.)
sm15.gif Sentimental Moon (1910) Louis Achille Hirsch Ben M. Jerome (co-author)
Edward Madden (words)
sm15.gif Night in Coontown (1899), A Max Hoffmann
sm15.gif Cock-A-Doodle-Doo (1905) Ernest Hogan Joe Jordan (co-author)
Wm D. Hall (words)
sm15.gif Is Everybody Happy? (1905) Ernest Hogan Tom Lemonier (co-author)
Frank Williams (words)
Madge P. Maitland (perf.)
sm15.gif  Moon Boy (1906) Ernest Hogan Arthur Gillespie (words)
sm15.gif On Grandma's Kitchen Floor (1906) Ernest Hogan Howard Herrick (words)
Henry Troy (perf.)
sm15.gif Watermelon (1905) Ernest Hogan Joe Jordan (co-author)
Wm. D. Hall (words)
sm15.gif Be Sweet to Me Kid (1907) Joseph Edgar Howard Will M. Hough (words)
Frank R. Adams (words)
June Haver (perf.)
Mark Stevens (perf.)
sm15.gif Blow the Smoke Away (1906) Joseph Edgar Howard Frank R Adams (words)
Will M Hough (words)
sm15.gif Brownies (1905) Joseph Edgar Howard Adams & Hough (words)
sm15.gif Build a Fence Around To-Day (1907) Joseph Edgar Howard Collin Davis (words)
Mabel Barrison (perf.)
sm15.gif California (1907) Joseph Edgar Howard Colin davis (words)
Mabel Barrison (perf.)
sm15.gif Central, Give Me Back My Dime (1905) Joseph Edgar Howard(w&m) Joseph Edgar Howard (perf.)
Corinne (perf.)
sm15.gif Cotton Picki N'time [Sic] in Dixie Land (1913) Joseph Edgar Howard Mabel McCane (words)
Mabel McCane (perf.)
Joseph Edgar Howard (perf.)
sm15.gif Cotton Pickin' Time in Tennessee (1913) Joseph Edgar Howard Joseph Edgar Howard (co-author)
Mabel McCane (words)
sm15.gif Cross Your Heart (1905) Joseph Edgar Howard Will M. Hough (words)
Frank R. Adams (words)
Corinne Morgan (perf.)
Frank C. Stanley (perf.)
Elise Stevenson (perf.)
sm15.gif Dear Little Ghost of Your Smile (1910), The Joseph Edgar Howard Frank R Adams (words)
Will M Hough (words)
sm15.gif Dixie I Love You (1906) Joseph Edgar Howard Frank R Adams (words)
Will M Hough (words)
sm15.gif Don't Be Cross With Me (1908) Joseph Edgar Howard Frank R Adams (words)
Will M Hough (words)
sm15.gif Don't You Tell (1906) Joseph Edgar Howard Frank R Adams (words)
Will M Hough (words)
sm15.gif Follow the Rainbow Trail (1909) Joseph Edgar Howard Frank R Adams (words)
Will M Hough (words)
sm15.gif Girl Behind the Counter (1907), The Joseph Edgar Howard Bob Adams (words)
Mabel Barrison (perf.)
sm15.gif  Goddess of Liberty (1909), The Joseph Edgar Howard Will M. Hough (words)
Frank R Adams (words)
sm15.gif Good-Bye My Lady Love (1904) Joseph Edgar Howard(w&m) Arthur Pryor's Orchestra (perf.)
Harry MacDonough (perf.)
Blanche Ring (perf.)
Ida Emerson (perf.)
sm15.gif Heart to Let (1906), A Joseph Edgar Howard Mabel Barrison (perf.)
sm15.gif Here's to Your Last Girl (1909) Joseph Edgar Howard Frank R Adams (words)
Will M Hough (words)
sm15.gif Howard Two-Step (1896) Joseph Edgar Howard
sm15.gif I Don't Like Your Family (1906) Joseph Edgar Howard Frank R Adams (words)
Will M Hough (words)
Billy Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif I Don't Want to Marry Your Family (1909) Joseph Edgar Howard Frank R Adams (words)
Will M Hough (words)
sm15.gif I Need the Morning Air (1908) Joseph Edgar Howard(w&m) Mabel Barrison (perf.)
sm15.gif I Think I Hear a Woodpecker Knocking at My Family Tree (1909) Joseph Edgar Howard Will M. Hough (words)
Frank R. Adams (words)
sm15.gif I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now (1909) Joseph Edgar Howard Frank R. Adams (words)
Will M. Hough (words)
Jimmy Ray (perf.)
June Haver (perf.)
Mark Stevens (perf.)
sm15.gif I'd Rather Fight Like Ma (1909) Joseph Edgar Howard Frank R. Adams (words)
Will M. Hough (words)
sm15.gif I'll Be Your Honey When It's Moonlight (1910) Joseph Edgar Howard Frank R Adams (words)
Will M Hough (words)
sm15.gif If All Moons Were Honeymoons (1909) Joseph Edgar Howard Frank R Adams (words)
Will M Hough (words)
sm15.gif If I Were the Man in the Moon (1904) Joseph Edgar Howard Frank R Adams (words)
L. M Hough (words)
sm15.gif If You, Won't Marry Me, Then I'll Marry You (1910) Joseph Edgar Howard Frank R Adams (words)
Will M Hough (words)
sm15.gif In the Day's of '49 (1907) Joseph Edgar Howard(w&m) Mabel Barrison (perf.)
sm15.gif Indian Love Song (1909) Joseph Edgar Howard Frank R. Adams (words)
Will M. Hough (words)
sm15.gif It's Funny What Love Makes You Do (1910) Joseph Edgar Howard Lee Shubert (words)
Sam S Shubert (words)
Mabel Barrison (perf.)
sm15.gif  It's Lonesome To-night (1906) Joseph Edgar Howard Frank R Adams (words)
Will M Hough (words)
sm15.gif Just a Little Smile (1911) Joseph Edgar Howard(w&m) Mabel McCane (perf.)
Joseph Edgar Howard (perf.)
sm15.gif Just Say You Care (1907) Joseph Edgar Howard(w&m) Mabel Barrison (perf.)
sm15.gif Love Me All the Time (1909) Joseph Edgar Howard(w&m) Mabel Barrison (perf.)
Anna Laughlin (perf.)
sm15.gif Love Up in a Tree (1907) Joseph Edgar Howard Collin Davis (words)
Mabel Barrison (perf.)
sm15.gif Ma Baby Girl (1899) Joseph Edgar Howard Ida Emerson (words)
sm15.gif March of the Eagles (1904) Joseph Edgar Howard E. T. Griffin (co-author)
sm15.gif My Gal Has Left Me (1899) Joseph Edgar Howard Ida Emerson (words)
Max Hoffmann (words)
Lucy Daly (perf.)
sm15.gif On the Boulevard (1897) Joseph Edgar Howard
sm15.gif Oskee Wow Wow (1909) Joseph Edgar Howard Will M. Hough (words)
Frank Adams (words)
sm15.gif Same Old Moon (1905) Joseph Edgar Howard Hough (words)
Adams (words)
sm15.gif Same Old Story (1906) Joseph Edgar Howard Arthur Gillespie (words)
Mabel Barrison (perf.)
sm15.gif So (1906) Joseph Edgar Howard(w&m) Mabel Barrison (perf.)
sm15.gif Stubborn Cinderella (1908), A Joseph Edgar Howard
sm15.gif Sweetest Girl (1910), The Joseph Edgar Howard Addison Burkhardt (words)
Collin Davis (words)
sm15.gif Taxi Taxi (1909) Joseph Edgar Howard Will M. Hough (words)
Frank R Adams (words)
sm15.gif There's Something Doing Around My Heart (1902) Joseph Edgar Howard Arthur Gillespie (words)
Mabel Barrison (perf.)
sm15.gif Those Wonderful Eyes (1912) Joseph Edgar Howard(w&m) Mabel McCane (perf.)
sm15.gif  Time, the Place, and the Girl (1906), The Joseph Edgar Howard Will M. Hough (words)
Frank R. Adams (words)
sm15.gif Umpire Is a Most Unhappy Man (1905), The Joseph Edgar Howard Frank R. Adams (words)
Will M. Hough (words)
sm15.gif Waltz Me Till I'm Dreamy (1907) Joseph Edgar Howard Frank R Adams (words)
Will M Hough (words)
sm15.gif Waning Honeymoon (1906), The Joseph Edgar Howard Frank R. Adams (words)
Will M. Hough (words)
sm15.gif Watching the Blue Smoke Curl (1907) Joseph Edgar Howard Collin Davis (words)
Mabel Barrison (perf.)
sm15.gif What's the Use of Dreaming (1906) Joseph Edgar Howard Will M Hough (words)
Frank R Adams (words)
Mabel Barrison (perf.)
sm15.gif When Eyes Like Yours Looked Into Eyes Like Mine (1907) Joseph Edgar Howard Frank R Adams (words)
Will M Hough (words)
sm15.gif When the Love You Love, Loves You (1913) Joseph Edgar Howard Collin Davis (words)
sm15.gif When You First Kiss the Last Girl You Love (1908) Joseph Edgar Howard Frank R Adams (words)
Will M Hough (words)
Henry Burr as Irving Gillette (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif Whose Little Girl Are You (1908) Joseph Edgar Howard Frank R Adams (words)
Will M Hough (words)
sm15.gif Won't You Be My Girlie? (1906) Joseph Edgar Howard Frank C. Stanley (perf.)
Mabel Barrison (perf.)
sm15.gif Worried (1907) Joseph Edgar Howard Collin Davis (words)
Mabel Barrison (perf.)
sm15.gif You Look Awful Good to Father (1905) Joseph Edgar Howard Frank R Adams (words)
Will M Hough (words)
Bob Roberts (perf.)
sm15.gif You're a Dear Old World After All (1909) Joseph Edgar Howard Frank R Adams (words)
Will M Hough (words)
sm15.gif About Town (1906) John Raymond Hubbell Jos. W. Herbert (words)
sm15.gif Alexis From Texas (1905) John Raymond Hubbell John P. Wilson (words)
sm15.gif Chow-Chow (1902) John Raymond Hubbell Addison Burkhardt (words)
sm15.gif Clever Stunt (1905), A John Raymond Hubbell
sm15.gif  Eily Riley (1909) John Raymond Hubbell Glen MacDonough (words)
Ada Jones (perf.)
sm15.gif Farewell, Prosperity! (1909) John Raymond Hubbell Harry B Smith (words)
John.Slavin (perf.)
sm15.gif Fickle Weather Vane (1905), The John Raymond Hubbell Robert B Smith (words)
sm15.gif Forever and a Day (1903) John Raymond Hubbell Frederic Ranken (words)
sm15.gif Girl at the Helm (1908), A John Raymond Hubbell
sm15.gif Girl Who Loves to Love (1906), The John Raymond Hubbell Addison Burkhardt (words)
sm15.gif I Should Worry and Get Wrinkles (1912) John Raymond Hubbell Vincent Bryan (words)
Ada Jones (perf.)
sm15.gif I Was Just Supposing (1905) John Raymond Hubbell Robert B Smith (words)
sm15.gif I've Heard So Much About You (1905) John Raymond Hubbell Robt. B. Smith (words)
sm15.gif If Christopher Columbus Hadn't Sailed (1902) John Raymond Hubbell Addison Burkhardt (words)
sm15.gif If I Could Only Land a Millionaire (1905) John Raymond Hubbell Robt. B. Smith (words)
sm15.gif Kiss For Each Day in the Week (1903), A John Raymond Hubbell Addison Burkhardt (words)
Arthur Dunn (perf.)
sm15.gif Kisses (1909) John Raymond Hubbell
sm15.gif Knight For a Day (1906), A John Raymond Hubbell Robert B. Smith (words)
sm15.gif La Danse Parisienne (1906) John Raymond Hubbell
sm15.gif Le Dindon (1906) John Raymond Hubbell
sm15.gif Life Is a See Saw (1906) John Raymond Hubbell Robert B Smith (words)
sm15.gif Little Girl in Blue (1907), The John Raymond Hubbell Robert B. Smith (words)
sm15.gif  Little Place That I Call Home (1901), The John Raymond Hubbell(w&m)
sm15.gif Maggie Your Roast Is Burning (1909) John Raymond Hubbell Glen MacDonough (words)
sm15.gif Major Marjory (1905) John Raymond Hubbell Robt. B. Smith (words)
Christie MacDonald (perf.)
sm15.gif Mam'selle Sally (1906) John Raymond Hubbell Robt. B. Smith (words)
sm15.gif Mexicana (Hubbel) (1905) John Raymond Hubbell Robert B. Smith (words)
sm15.gif Paint Me a Picture of Mamma (1911) John Raymond Hubbell Addison Burkhardt (words)
Edith Helena (perf.)
sm15.gif Pretty Little Maid, Adelaide (1902) John Raymond Hubbell Addison Burkhardt (words)
Hengler Sisters (perf.)
sm15.gif Red Cross Girl (1909), The John Raymond Hubbell
sm15.gif Rooster Dance (1903), The John Raymond Hubbell
sm15.gif Rose Dance (1903) John Raymond Hubbell
sm15.gif Runaways (1902), The John Raymond Hubbell Addison Burkhardt (words)
sm15.gif She's a Queen (1900) John Raymond Hubbell(w&m)
sm15.gif Soubrette's Secret (1909) John Raymond Hubbell Glen MacDonough (words)
sm15.gif Star and the Flower (1900) John Raymond Hubbell(w&m)
sm15.gif What Am I Going to Do to Make You Love Me (1909) John Raymond Hubbell Glen MacDonough (words)
sm15.gif Whistle When You Walk Out (1906) John Raymond Hubbell Robt. B. Smith (words)
sm15.gif You Are All the World to Me (1908) John Raymond Hubbell Robert B Smith (words)
sm15.gif Back to Life (1905) Charles H. Hunter Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif  Louisiana Lou (1911) Ben M. Jerome Addison Burkhardt (words)
Frederick Donaghey (words)
sm15.gif Love Is Like a Red, Red Rose (1910) Ben M. Jerome Louis Achille Hirsch (co-author)
Edward Madden (words)
Henry Burr (perf.)
Elise Stevenson (perf.)
Sam Bernard (perf.)
sm15.gif Sentimental Moon (1910) Ben M. Jerome Louis Achille Hirsch (co-author)
Edward Madden (words)
Sam Bernard (perf.)
sm15.gif Burglar Buck (1909), The Stephen O. Jones Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif To-Night of All Nights (1902) I. C. Kaufman(w&m) Ola Hayden (perf.)
sm15.gif Gay Gossoon (1905), A Edwin F. Kendall Vess L. Ossman (perf.)
sm15.gif Swanee Rag (1904) Philip Kussel
sm15.gif Just One Word of Consolation (1906) Tom Lemonier Frank B. Williams (words)
sm15.gif Sweetness (1917) Eddie Leonard(w&m) Jack Stern (co-author)
Eddie Leonard (perf.)
Henry Burr (perf.)
Albert Campbell (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh! How She Can Dance (1919) J. Walter Leopold Emma Carus (words)
Emma Carus (perf.)
sm15.gif That Chiming Rag (1912) J. Walter Leopold Don. A. Meaney (words)
sm15.gif Under the Mellow Arabian Moon (1915) J. Walter Leopold Casper Nathan (words)
sm15.gif Armenonville (1905) Maurice Levi
sm15.gif Game of Love (1904) Maurice Levi Edgar smith (words)
sm15.gif Higgledy Piggledy (1904) Maurice Levi
sm15.gif I Dare You (1914) Maurice Levi
sm15.gif Nancy Clancy (1904) Maurice Levi Edgar Smith (words)
Trixie Friganza (perf.)
sm15.gif Rolling Chair (1908), The Maurice Levi
sm15.gif  Twiddle Twaddle (1905) Maurice Levi Edgar Smith (words)
sm15.gif Rag Intermezzo (1913), A William Loraine
sm15.gif I've Found You, Honey, Found You, Now Be Mine (1899) Gustav Luders(w&m) Mathews &. Bulger (perf.)
sm15.gif Mary Ann McCue (1898) Jay Mack Alfred J. Kuttner (words)
Lizzie B. Raymond (perf.)
sm15.gif Bless Your Ever Loving Little Heart (1911) Henry I. Marshall Stanley Murphy (words)
Elsie Janis (perf.)
sm15.gif Hello, Hello, New York Town (1912) Henry I. Marshall Stanley Murphy (words)
Freeman & Dunham (perf.)
sm15.gif Let's Go Up to Molly's (1912) Henry I. Marshall Stanley Murphy (words)
sm15.gif My Brown Eyed Baby Boy (1911) Henry I. Marshall Stanley Murphy (words)
Hess Sisters (perf.)
sm15.gif Someone (1944) Johnny Marvin(w&m)
sm15.gif Just You and I (1899) George Maywood C.T. Dazey (words)
Pauline Hall (perf.)
sm15.gif Give an Imitation of Me (1910) Blanche Merrill(w&m) Eva Tanguay (perf.)
sm15.gif I Can't Help It (1910) Blanche Merrill(w&m) Eva Tanguay (perf.)
sm15.gif I Got a Rock (1911) Blanche Merrill(w&m) Lillian Shaw (perf.)
sm15.gif Tanguay Rag (1910) Blanche Merrill
sm15.gif Sweet Star of Love (1909) Oreste Migliaccio Edgar Leslie (words)
sm15.gif Good-Bye Ragtime (1913) Carey Morgan A. M. Swanstrom (words)
Rae Samuels (perf.)
sm15.gif In Mizzoura (1919) Carey Morgan Lew Porter (co-author)
Abel Green (words)
Robert Warwick (perf.)
sm15.gif By the Pyramids (1906) George A. Nichols Chas. Noel Douglas (words)
sm15.gif  Just Like Jane (1904) George A. Nichols George Totten Smith (words)
sm15.gif Sun-Beam and the Morning Glory (1904), The George A. Nichols George Totten Smith (words)
sm15.gif When I'm With You. Duet. (1904) George A. Nichols George Totten Smith (words)
sm15.gif My Dearest Girl (1899) Theodore H. Northrup(w&m)
sm15.gif He Loves My Dreamy Eyes (1909) Harold Orlob Will M. Hough (words)
Frank R. Adams (words)
sm15.gif Nightingale (1906), The Arthur A. Penn(w&m)
sm15.gif Mammy's Little Alligator Bait (1899) Sidney L. Perrin Henry Wise (words)
Anna Suits (perf.)
Maude Rockwell (perf.)
sm15.gif Treasures of the Sea Are Buried Deep (1901), The Henry W. Petrie Jeff T. Branen (words)
J. Albert Gates (perf.)
sm15.gif Sleep My Baby Boy (1892) E.A. Phelps J. A. (words)
Jr. Frazer (words)
sm15.gif When a Rambling Rose Goes Rambling Home Again (1921) Muriel Pollock Darl MacBoyle (words)
sm15.gif Don't You Mind It, Honey (1901) Caro Roma(w&m)
sm15.gif Canoeing in the Park (1906) Pat Rooney(w&m) Julian Eltinge (perf.)
sm15.gif In a Nutshell (1903) George Rosey
sm15.gif In a World Just Made For Two (1904) George Rosey Frank Tannehill (words)
sm15.gif I'd Like to Pose For You (1910) Paul Alfred Rubens Vincent Bryan (words)
Henry Mygatt Woodruff (perf.)
sm15.gif It's Great to Be in Love (1911) Paul Alfred Rubens Crane Wilbur (words)
Florence Mills (perf.)
sm15.gif Mississippi Splash (1911) Jerome Shay Green (words)
Dave (words)
Belle Baker (perf.)
sm15.gif I'll Get You Yet Little Girl (1909) Eleanor Sherman Terry Sherman (words)
sm15.gif  Boogie Man Rag (1912), The Terry Sherman Mort Hyman (words)
Victor Morley (perf.)
Bessie Clifford (perf.)
sm15.gif I'd Like to Know Your Address and Your Name (1907) Terry Sherman Arthur Gillespie (words)
sm15.gif I've Got a Tremblin' Case on You (1908) Terry Sherman(w&m)
sm15.gif It's the Same Old Me (1910) Terry Sherman Arthur Gillespie (words)
sm15.gif My Lovin' Henry (1915) Terry Sherman W.B. Friedlander (words)
James Doyle (perf.)
Ethel Robinson (perf.)
sm15.gif Early to Bed and Early to Rise (1920) Abner Silver Alex Gerber (words)
Eddie Cantor (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm a Trying to Teach My Sweet Papa Right From Wrong (1918) Will E. Skidmore(w&m) Marshall Walker (co-author)
Sophie Tucker (perf.)
sm15.gif American Girl (1908), The Alfred Baldwin Sloane Charles H Brown (words)
sm15.gif Basket Ball (1907) Alfred Baldwin Sloane George Totten Smith (words)
A Ferraioli (words)
sm15.gif Bé-Bee = (Baby) (1910) Alfred Baldwin Sloane Edgar Smith (words)
sm15.gif Beautiful Land of Bon Bon (1905), The Alfred Baldwin Sloane Frederic Ranken (words)
sm15.gif Bring Back the Love Days of June Time (1913) Alfred Baldwin Sloane Bobby Harris (words)
sm15.gif Calcium Moon (1910), The Alfred Baldwin Sloane Glen MacDonough (words)
sm15.gif Caramba (1909) Alfred Baldwin Sloane O. Henry (words)
Franklin P. Adams (words)
sm15.gif Come and Take a Dip With Me (1910) Alfred Baldwin Sloane Glen MacDonough (words)
sm15.gif Cora My Dusky Florodora! (1905) Alfred Baldwin Sloane Frederic Ranken (words)
sm15.gif Cupid at Vassar (1907) Alfred Baldwin Sloane George Totten Smith (words)
sm15.gif Dear Daisy Chain (1907) Alfred Baldwin Sloane George Totten Smith (words)
A Ferraioli (words)
sm15.gif  Dear Yankee Maid (1909) Alfred Baldwin Sloane O. Henry (words)
Franklin P. Adams (words)
sm15.gif Display Song (1909) Alfred Baldwin Sloane Edgar Smith (words)
sm15.gif Do You Believe in Santa Claus (1906) Alfred Baldwin Sloane Frederic Ranken (words)
sm15.gif Dollar Bill's the Flag That Rules the World (1909), The Alfred Baldwin Sloane(w&m) Elizabeth M. Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif Don't Forget the Beau You Left at Home (1911) Alfred Baldwin Sloane E. Ray Goetz (words)
sm15.gif Drifting (1911) Alfred Baldwin Sloane E. Ray Goetz (words)
sm15.gif Drinking Song (1909) Alfred Baldwin Sloane Edgar Smith (words)
sm15.gif Every Little Something (1904) Alfred Baldwin Sloane Brandon Hurst (words)
sm15.gif Evil Eye (1905), The Alfred Baldwin Sloane Frederic Ranken (words)
sm15.gif First Love Days (1911) Alfred Baldwin Sloane E. Ray Goetz (words)
sm15.gif Foolish Questions (1909) Alfred Baldwin Sloane William Lee (words)
Robert S. Roberts (perf.)
Jefferson De Angelis (perf.)
Ada Reeve (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif Gee, But I'd Like to Furnish a Flat For You, Dear (1910) Alfred Baldwin Sloane Glen MacDonough (words)
sm15.gif Gingerbread Cadets March (1906), The Alfred Baldwin Sloane Thomas Clark (words)
sm15.gif Gingerbread Cadets (1905), The Alfred Baldwin Sloane
sm15.gif Gingerbread Man (1905), The Alfred Baldwin Sloane Frederic Ranken (words)
sm15.gif Girl He Left Behind Him (1903), The Alfred Baldwin Sloane R. H. Burnside (words)
sm15.gif Heaven Will Protect the Working Girl (1909) Alfred Baldwin Sloane Edgar Smith (words)
sm15.gif I Want Someone to Love Me (1908) Alfred Baldwin Sloane Charles H Brown (words)
sm15.gif  I Won't Go Way Back Home Again (1907) Alfred Baldwin Sloane George Totten Smith (words)
C F Ferraioli (words)
sm15.gif I'm Looking For That Man (1905) Alfred Baldwin Sloane Frederic Ranken (words)
sm15.gif In the Days When Grandma Dear Was Young (1907) Alfred Baldwin Sloane George Totten Smith (words)
C F Ferraioli (words)
sm15.gif In Yucatan (1909) Alfred Baldwin Sloane O. Henry (words)
Franklin P. Adams (words)
sm15.gif It's Hard to Love Just One Girl All the Time (1909) Alfred Baldwin Sloane Edgar Smith (words)
sm15.gif It's the Cash, Cash, Cash (1905) Alfred Baldwin Sloane Frederic Ranken (words)
sm15.gif It's the Little Things That Count (1909) Alfred Baldwin Sloane O. Henry (words)
Franklin P. Adams (words)
sm15.gif It's the Skirt (1911) Alfred Baldwin Sloane E. Ray Goetz (words)
sm15.gif John Dough (1905) Alfred Baldwin Sloane Frederic Ranken (words)
sm15.gif June (1911) Alfred Baldwin Sloane E. Ray Goetz (words)
Peerless Quartette (perf.)
sm15.gif Just Take Things As They Come (1903) Alfred Baldwin Sloane R H Burnside (words)
sm15.gif Just Tell Me With Your Eyes (1911) Alfred Baldwin Sloane E. Ray Goetz (words)
sm15.gif Lady Ushers Ball (1910), The Alfred Baldwin Sloane Glen MacDonough (words)
sm15.gif Let Us Sing (1909) Alfred Baldwin Sloane O. Henry (words)
Franklin P. Adams (words)
sm15.gif Li'l Mose (1908) Alfred Baldwin Sloane Fred G. Nixon-Nirdlinger (words)
Charles H. Brown (words)
sm15.gif Life Is Only What You Make It, After All (1910) Alfred Baldwin Sloane Edgar Smith (words)
sm15.gif Lingerie (1911) Alfred Baldwin Sloane E. Ray Goetz (words)
sm15.gif Little Old Main Street (1909) Alfred Baldwin Sloane O. Henry (words)
Franklin P. Adams (words)
sm15.gif  Lo - A Musical Comedy (1909) Alfred Baldwin Sloane O Henry (words)
Franklin P Adams (words)
sm15.gif Love (1903) Alfred Baldwin Sloane R.H. Burnside (words)
sm15.gif Love Is All That Matters (1909) Alfred Baldwin Sloane O. Henry (words)
Franklin P. Adams (words)
sm15.gif Love Laughs at Locksmiths (1903) Alfred Baldwin Sloane R.H. Burnside (words)
sm15.gif March On, O Soldier (1906) Alfred Baldwin Sloane Frederic Ranken (words)
sm15.gif Mazie (1905) Alfred Baldwin Sloane Frederic Ranken (words)
sm15.gif Moon Song (1905) Alfred Baldwin Sloane Frederic Ranken (words)
Helen Bertram (perf.)
sm15.gif Mr. Moon (1905) Alfred Baldwin Sloane Frederic Ranken (words)
sm15.gif My Dainty Mermaid (1909) Alfred Baldwin Sloane Edgar Smith (words)
sm15.gif Never Forget Your Parents (1909) Alfred Baldwin Sloane O. Henry (words)
Franklin P. Adams (words)
sm15.gif New Rochelle Yacht Club Waltz (1904), The Alfred Baldwin Sloane Alvah K La Rue (words)
W A Stadelman (words)
sm15.gif Nursery Rhymes (1905) Alfred Baldwin Sloane Frederic Ranken (words)
sm15.gif Oh, Kitty (1903) Alfred Baldwin Sloane R H Burnside (words)
sm15.gif Oh, You Summertime Romeo! (1910) Alfred Baldwin Sloane Glen MacDonough (words)
sm15.gif Old Rameses (1905) Alfred Baldwin Sloane Frederic Ranken (words)
sm15.gif Poppy and the Pink (1907), The Alfred Baldwin Sloane George Totten Smith (words)
sm15.gif Queen of My Dreams (1905) Alfred Baldwin Sloane Frederic Ranken (words)
sm15.gif Sailor Number (1909) Alfred Baldwin Sloane O Henry (words)
Franklin P Adams (words)
sm15.gif  Selection From ''Lo'' (1909) Alfred Baldwin Sloane O. Henry (words)
Franklin P. Adams (words)
sm15.gif Selection From the Gingerbread Man (1906) Alfred Baldwin Sloane
sm15.gif Selection From the Henpecks (1911) Alfred Baldwin Sloane
sm15.gif Sentimental Tommy (1910) Alfred Baldwin Sloane E. Ray Goetz (words)
sm15.gif Sergeant Kitty (1903) Alfred Baldwin Sloane R. H. Burnside (words)
Virginia Earle (perf.)
sm15.gif Snap Shots (1909) Alfred Baldwin Sloane O. Henry (words)
Franklin P. Adams (words)
sm15.gif Statue Song (1909) Alfred Baldwin Sloane O. Henry (words)
Franklin P. Adams (words)
sm15.gif Tammany on Parade (1909) Alfred Baldwin Sloane O. Henry (words)
Franklin P. Adams (words)
sm15.gif That Spooky Tune (1911) Alfred Baldwin Sloane E. Ray Goetz (words)
sm15.gif There Goes Another One (1909) Alfred Baldwin Sloane Edgar Smith (words)
sm15.gif There's No Place Like Home Boys (1910) Alfred Baldwin Sloane Glen MacDonough (words)
sm15.gif Toast to Sally (1905) Alfred Baldwin Sloane Frederic Ranken (words)
sm15.gif True Love Lives But in Our Dreams (1903) Alfred Baldwin Sloane R H Burnside (words)
sm15.gif Try This on Your ''Pianna'' Anna (1911) Alfred Baldwin Sloane E. Ray Goetz (words)
sm15.gif War! (1903) Alfred Baldwin Sloane
sm15.gif We Are a Gallant Regiment (1903) Alfred Baldwin Sloane R H Burnside (words)
Virginia Earle (perf.)
sm15.gif While Strolling Thro' the Forest (1909) Alfred Baldwin Sloane O Henry (words)
Franklin P Adams (words)
sm15.gif White Light Alley (1911) Alfred Baldwin Sloane E. Ray Goetz (words)
sm15.gif  Wilhelmina's Concertina (1911) Alfred Baldwin Sloane E. Ray Goetz (words)
sm15.gif You May Always Be My Sweetheart (1909) Alfred Baldwin Sloane O. Henry (words)
Franklin P. Adams (words)
sm15.gif Marching Home From the War (1898) Albert N. Small
sm15.gif In the Shadows of the Silv'ry Moon (1906) Chris Smith(w&m) Billy Johnson (co-author)
Joe Kane (perf.)
sm15.gif Light that Lies in My Sweetheart's Eyes (1905), The Emily Smith L. MacEvoy (words)
sm15.gif Under the Blue Skies of France (1918) Alfred Solman Arthur J Lamb (words)
sm15.gif Dancing Man (1912) Herbert Stothart Joseph Edgar Howard (co-author)
Theo. Jr. Stempfel (words)
sm15.gif Meet Me in May-Time Marie (1911) Charles T. Straight Ren Shields (words)
sm15.gif I Know a Girl Like You (1906) Billie E. Taylor
sm15.gif Nobody But You (1905) Fay Templeton(w&m)
sm15.gif Let Him Miss You Just a Little Bit (1917) Van & Schenck Charles Kassell Harris (words)
sm15.gif My Little China Doll (1917) Van & Schenck(w&m) Jack Yellen (co-author)
sm15.gif While the Angelus Was Ringing (1948) Jean Villard Dick Manning (words)
Johnny Desmond (perf.)
Tommy Dorsey (perf.)
Dick Haymes (perf.)
Eddy Howard (perf.)
Artie Malvin (perf.)
Anne Shelton (perf.)
Frank Sinatra (perf.)
Margaret Whiting (perf.)
sm15.gif You Look Like an Angel (1918) Nat H. Vincent(w&m) Maceo Pinkard (co-author)
sm15.gif I'm Going Back Back to Kentucky Where I Was Born (1908) W. Raymond Walker Jos. H. McKeon (words)
sm15.gif Pickin' on De Ole Banjo (1915) Henry Widmer Frederick Watson (co-author)
sm15.gif Ma Genuine African Blonde (1898) George R. Wilson(w&m) Anna Suits (perf.)