American Musicians Syndicate
Last updated: 26.04.22
Address: Broadway, New York, USA

American Musicians Syndicate has 15 publications posted in these webpages. They include 15 items of sheet music in the Lists of Works (Werkverzeichnisse).
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Jazonata (1919) Irving Aaronson
sm15.gif Jazz Classique (1919) Irving Aaronson
sm15.gif Jazapation (1919) Larry Briers
sm15.gif Jazarella (1919) Larry Briers
sm15.gif Jazioso (1919) Larry Briers
sm15.gif Jaba Jaba Jazz (1919) Ernest Cutting
sm15.gif Jazitis (1919) Ernest Cutting
sm15.gif Jazology (1919) Ernest Cutting
sm15.gif Jigger Jazz (1919) Ernest Cutting
sm15.gif Jazorient (1919) Lou Gold
sm15.gif Jazanola (1919) Harold Potter
sm15.gif Jazette (1919) Harold Potter
sm15.gif Jazz Elite (1919) Harold Potter
sm15.gif Jazanjaz (1919) Walter C. Simon
sm15.gif Jazynco (1919) Harry Stout