Allan & Co. Pty. Ltd
Last updated: 06.12.24
Address: Melbourne, Australia

Allan & Co. Pty. Ltd has 180 publications posted in these webpages. They include 1 book in my own library and 180 items of sheet music in the Lists of Works (Werkverzeichnisse).
     Title Author Supplier
book15.gif  Glimpses of Christmas W.H. Keith Young
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Schlaf wohl (186-) Franz Abt E.R. (words)
sm15.gif Where the Bee Sucks (?) Thomas Augustine Arne Shakespeare (words)
sm15.gif Brother Scots (1911c) George Arthurs(w&m) Neil Kenyon (perf.)
sm15.gif Is That a Fact? (1910) George Arthurs C W Murphy (words)
J Chas Moore (words)
sm15.gif My Task (1941) Emma Louise Ashford Maude Louise Ray (words)
S. H. Pickup (words)
Merle Alcock (perf.)
sm15.gif Bourbonnaise (1896) Daniel F. E. Auber(w&m) Amelita Galli-Curci (perf.)
sm15.gif Paradise Alley (1922) Harry Auracher Howard Johnson (words)
sm15.gif Land of Gra-Ma-Chree (1916), The Lewis Barnes(w&m) Jamieson Dodds (perf.)
sm15.gif Piccaninnies' Picnic (1891-2), The J.H. de Boos
sm15.gif Yera'o (191-?) J.H. de Boos
sm15.gif Dame Durden's School (191-) May H. Brahe(w&m)
sm15.gif Days of Old (192-), The May H. Brahe
sm15.gif Japanese Love Song (1910), A May H. Brahe Madge Dickson (words)
sm15.gif Love and Life (19--) May H. Brahe(w&m)
sm15.gif Marjorie (1891) May H. Brahe Walter Learned (words)
sm15.gif Real Australian Children Songs (1911) May H. Brahe Madge Dickson (words)
sm15.gif Spring Blossoms (192-) May H. Brahe Morris Hazlitt (words)
Madge Dickson (words)
Robert Herrick (words)
sm15.gif  When I Hear a Song-Lark (191-) May H. Brahe
sm15.gif Beloved Melody (1941) Johann Brandl
sm15.gif Four Leaf Clover (1897) Leila M. Brownell Elia Higginson (words)
Mrs. A. Stewart Holt (perf.)
Evan Williams (perf.)
sm15.gif All the Comforts of Home (1915) Earl Carroll
sm15.gif Don't Sing the Chorus (1911) Harry Castling Charles Collins (words)
sm15.gif I Didn't Think Any More (1906) Herbert Clark(w&m) Frank Lynne (perf.)
sm15.gif My Yokohama Queen (1907) Herbert Clark Johnny Johnston (words)
sm15.gif Slumber Little Coon (19--) George H. Clutsam
sm15.gif We Close at Two on Thursday (1906) T.W. Connor Arthur Gilbert (perf.)
sm15.gif Just Like a Boomerang (1923) Lynn F. Cowan(w&m)
sm15.gif My Sweet Egyptian Rose (1920) Lynn F. Cowan
sm15.gif Pardon Me, Miss Australia (1942) Lynn F. Cowan(w&m)
sm15.gif Angels Defend Thee (1901) John Crook Olive Zarie (words)
Joseph Tapley (perf.)
sm15.gif Hearts to Mend (1910c) John Crook Malcolm Arnold (words)
sm15.gif Only a Leaf (1900c) John Crook Joe Slater (words)
T B Fayme (words)
sm15.gif In Friendship's Name (1891) George Dance Charles Graham (words)
sm15.gif Call of the Rockies (1934) Charles Neil Daniels Harry Tobias (words)
sm15.gif And the Villain Still Pursued Her (1915) Hermann E. Darewski R.P. Weston (words)
Mark Sheridan (perf.)
sm15.gif  Are You the Little Girl I Met the Other Evening? (191-) Hermann E. Darewski
sm15.gif Mamie May (1911) Hermann E. Darewski Lil Hawthorne (perf.)
sm15.gif Our Own Dear Flag (1916) Hermann E. Darewski
sm15.gif Tulip Song (1916), The Hermann E. Darewski
sm15.gif Where Are the Lads of New Zealand To-Night (1914) Hermann E. Darewski
sm15.gif They're All Single by the Seaside (1911) Worton David C.W. Murphy (co-author)
sm15.gif You've Got to Sing in Rag Time (1911) Worton David George Arthurs (co-author)
sm15.gif Naila-Waltz (194-) Léo Delibes
sm15.gif Blue Bell Time in Arcady (1926) Kenneth Duffield
sm15.gif Come and See the Animals Fed on Friday (1926) Kenneth Duffield(w&m)
sm15.gif Hello Healo (1926) Kenneth Duffield
sm15.gif My Jauntin' Car (192-) Kenneth Duffield(w&m)
sm15.gif Night Time (1924) Kenneth Duffield(w&m)
sm15.gif Sun Girl (1924), The Kenneth Duffield Vaiben Louis (words)
sm15.gif Friends (190-?) Fred Earle Annie Lewis James (words)
sm15.gif My Own Australian States (1902) Julian Edwards
sm15.gif Mother Hubbard (1904) Hans Engelmann
sm15.gif Mountain Romance (1913) Hans Engelmann
sm15.gif  Peaceful Nights (?) Montague Ewing
sm15.gif Singing River (1954), The Montague Ewing
sm15.gif Three Dedications (1954) Montague Ewing
sm15.gif Bismark Grenadiers (189-), The Barney Fagan Herietta Byron (perf.)
sm15.gif Nellie Dean (1891-2) Barney Fagan Gertie Gitana (perf.)
sm15.gif I'll Make a Man of You (1914) Herman Finck Arthur Wimperis (words)
Clara Beck (perf.)
Gwendoline Brogden (perf.)
sm15.gif Billy Brown (1908) Harry Fragson Harry Fragson (perf.)
sm15.gif Tasmania (1929) Walter William Francis
sm15.gif Love Will Find a Way (1917) Harold Fraser-Simson Harry Graham (words)
José Collins (perf.)
Viva Daron (perf.)
sm15.gif Maid of the Mountains - Selection (1917), The Harold Fraser-Simson
sm15.gif I Little Knew (1915) Julian Fredericks Arthur St. Ives (words)
sm15.gif Moment I Saw You (1933), The Noel Gay Clifford Grey (words)
sm15.gif Heroes of the Mine (1911) Will Geddes Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
sm15.gif Amoroso (191?) Adele Gerard
sm15.gif Romance D'automne (1919) Adele Gerard
sm15.gif Valley of France (1919) Adele Gerard
sm15.gif Market Day in the Old Sea Town (1932) Fred Gilbert Clifton Boanas (words)
sm15.gif Across the Bay (191-) Horace Gleeson
sm15.gif  Gentlemen, the King (19--) Horace Gleeson E.B. Manning (words)
sm15.gif Great Consoler (1906), The Horace Gleeson Louis Voight (words)
sm15.gif Little Hills (1925), The Horace Gleeson William A. Tainsh (words)
sm15.gif My Little Feathered Friend in San Marie (1942) Horace Gleeson(w&m)
sm15.gif Rolling Stone (1945), A Horace Gleeson W. Austin Bevan (words)
sm15.gif Teach Me O Lord (1944) Horace Gleeson Marion Miller Knowles (words)
sm15.gif Yo Heave Ho (190-) Horace Gleeson Louis Voight (words)
sm15.gif Starlight on the River (190-) Charles William Glover
sm15.gif Elfin Call (1936), The Stephen Glover Mrs. Hemans (words)
sm15.gif There's a Girl in Berlin (1909) Fred Godfrey Fred D'Albert (words)
J Chas Moore (words)
sm15.gif I Love a Lassie (1907) Gerald Grafton Harry Lauder (words)
Harry Lauder (perf.)
sm15.gif Tulip Time (1952c) Martin Greenwald
sm15.gif Come to Bamboo Town (191-) Will E. Haines
sm15.gif My Winter-Time Bride (1912) Will E. Haines
sm15.gif Smithy (1928) Lou Handman William M. Maloney (words)
sm15.gif If You Were True to Me (192-) Lawrence Hanray Reginald Roberts (words)
sm15.gif Burlington Bertie From Bow (1915) William Hargreaves(w&m) Ella Shields (perf.)
sm15.gif Keep Dem Golden Gates Wide Open (1891-2) Joseph Hart
sm15.gif  Of All My Wife's Relations I Love Myself the Best (1924c) William Haskins Andrew B. Sterling (words)
sm15.gif Down Linga Longa Lane (1926) Herschel Henlere Tommy Norman (words)
sm15.gif My Sweet Australian Wattle Girl (1925) Herschel Henlere
sm15.gif I've Been Roaming (1941) Charles E. Horn Geraldine Farrar (perf.)
Amy Ellerman (perf.)
sm15.gif Smiling Eyes (1926) Louis L. Howarde(w&m)
sm15.gif Beautiful Bird, Sing On (191-) Thomas H. Howe(w&m) Marie De Kyser (perf.)
Joseph Belmont (perf.)
sm15.gif Your Heart Looked Into Mine (1926) John Raymond Hubbell
sm15.gif All Aboard the Ragtime Train (1917) Edward Hutchison Florrie (perf.)
sm15.gif Any Old Town Is the Right Old Town (1916) Edward Hutchison Jamie Kelly (words)
sm15.gif I'm From Chicago (1916) Edward Hutchison
sm15.gif If Knighthood Were Again in Flower (1916) Edward Hutchison Jamie Kelly (words)
sm15.gif Whizz, Whizz, Whizz (191-) Edward Hutchison
sm15.gif You'll Be My Own Rain Beau (191-) Edward Hutchison
sm15.gif Norah (1919) Noel Johnson Clifton Bingham (words)
sm15.gif Butterfly (193-), The Calixa Lavallee
sm15.gif I Wish She'd Give Me the Glad, Glad Eye (1913) Alfred J. Lawrance(w&m) Violet Carmen (perf.)
sm15.gif In Your Cocoanut Hut. (1914) Alfred J. Lawrance(w&m)
sm15.gif Don't You Think You'd Better Let Me Try? (1918) Will L. Livernash(w&m) J. Will Callahan (words)
sm15.gif  Lily of Hill Billy Valley (1934), The Will L. Livernash(w&m) Ted Richmond (words)
sm15.gif Tangled Roses (1916) Will L. Livernash
sm15.gif I'm Leaving Monte Carlo (1907) Kenneth Lyle Worton David (words)
Percy Edgar (words)
sm15.gif I Want to Go Back to Glengarry (1909) Scott Mackenzie J C Shepherd (words)
sm15.gif Betray Me Not, and Hope Sweetly Smiles (1866) Aimé Maillart A. Baildon (words)
sm15.gif Call Me Pretty (18--) Aimé Maillart A. Baildon (words)
sm15.gif Evensong (1911) Easthope Martin
sm15.gif Meditation (1922) Jules Massenet Alfred Wheeler (words)
sm15.gif Ha! Ha! Ha! He! He! He! (1910) Sam Mayo Worton David (words)
Sam Mayo (perf.)
Ben Albert (perf.)
sm15.gif Motherland (1899) Felix McGlennon Fred Eplett (words)
sm15.gif There's a Big Ship Sailing in the Morning (1906) Tom Mellor Alf J Lawrance (words)
Harry Gifford (words)
sm15.gif Father Did Look Funny (1900c) Fred Murray Chas Hilbury (words)
Harry Champion (perf.)
sm15.gif Rag Time Band (1912), The John Neat
sm15.gif I'm Sending You the Siegfried Line to Hang Your Washing On) (1939) Ross Parker Hugh Charles (words)
St John Cooper (words)
sm15.gif There Goes My Affection (1938) Ross Parker Don Hart (words)
sm15.gif Always Keep a Polish on the Handle of Your Door (190-) Paul Pelham Herbert Rule (words)
sm15.gif Be British! (1912) Paul Pelham(w&m)
sm15.gif He Was a Grand Old Man (1912) Paul Pelham Lawrence Wright (words)
sm15.gif  Link Divine (1891), The M. Piccolomini Alfred H. Hyatt (words)
sm15.gif Little Jumbo (192-) Herbert De Pinna
sm15.gif Grannie's Rings (1891c) Charles Arthur Rawlings Arthur Chapman (words)
sm15.gif Sweetheart Town (1907) J.A. Raynes C. William Kolb (perf.)
Max M. Dill (perf.)
sm15.gif Virgin's Slumber Song, Op. 76, No. 52 (1912c) Max Reger Martin Boelitz (words)
sm15.gif Smiles Waltz (1919) Lee S. Roberts
sm15.gif He's a Very Old Friend of Mine (1911) E.W. Rogers Fred Godfrey (words)
sm15.gif Ragging Chopin (1919) J. Rolfe
sm15.gif Larkspur (1929) Walter Rolfe
sm15.gif I Come to Thee (1911) Caro Roma
sm15.gif Red Red Rose (1922) George Ross(w&m)
sm15.gif That Pony Trot (1922) George Ross
sm15.gif I Cannot Forget (191?) Madeline Rossiter(w&m)
sm15.gif From Poverty Street to Golden Square (1908) Herbert Rule Paul Pelman (words)
Kate Carney (perf.)
Florrie Forde (perf.)
sm15.gif If I Don't Get Some Money What'll I Do (1924) Herbert Rule Harry Castling (words)
sm15.gif Wait For Me (Brother Bill) (1919) Herbert Rule Bert Gilbert (words)
sm15.gif Welcoming Him In (1910c) Herbert Rule(w&m)
sm15.gif Snow Queen (1907) Gustave Salzer
sm15.gif  Fantasiestücke For Pianoforte Op. 12 (1924) Robert Schumann by Robert Schumann1 (co-author)
newly revised by Louis Arensky1 (co-author)
sm15.gif Anna Maria (1913) Bennett Scott(w&m) A J Mills (words)
Cassie Walmer (perf.)
sm15.gif Loo! Sue! (Mary, Dinah, Carolina, Isabella, Mandy, Jane, Angeline) (1920) Bennett Scott A J Mills (words)
sm15.gif Sailor and the Mermaid (1910c), The Bennett Scott A J Mills (words)
sm15.gif False Prophet (1922), The John Prindle Scott Reginald V. Darow (words)
Dorothy Fox (perf.)
sm15.gif Hark! Hark, My Soul! (190-) Harry Rowe Shelley
sm15.gif King of Love My Shepherd Is (192-), The Harry Rowe Shelley
sm15.gif Have You Paid the Rent? (1922) L. Silberman Herbert Rule (words)
Fred Holt (words)
Harry Champion (perf.)
sm15.gif There You Are Then (1921) L. Silberman(w&m)
sm15.gif Courtship Waltzes (1905) George L. Spaulding
sm15.gif Star-Eyes (1923) Oley Speaks Adele De Leeuw (words)
sm15.gif John Bull's Letter Bag (1910c) F.V St. Clair(w&m)
sm15.gif Lazy Honolulu (1921) Harry Stogden Geoffrey Clayton (words)
sm15.gif Bells of Peace (1917), The Reginald Alberto Agrati Stoneham
sm15.gif Frivolina (1916) Reginald Alberto Agrati Stoneham
sm15.gif Golden Dreams (1924) Reginald Alberto Agrati Stoneham
sm15.gif Heroes of the Dardanelles (1916) Reginald Alberto Agrati Stoneham
sm15.gif King of the Night (191-) Reginald Alberto Agrati Stoneham(w&m)
sm15.gif  Lolita (1928) Reginald Alberto Agrati Stoneham(w&m)
sm15.gif My Gramophone Girl (191-?) Reginald Alberto Agrati Stoneham(w&m)
sm15.gif Then We'll Rag the Keel Row (1922) Reginald Alberto Agrati Stoneham(w&m)
sm15.gif While the Band Plays Home Sweet Home (191-) Reginald Alberto Agrati Stoneham(w&m)
sm15.gif Why Did You Want to Make Me Love You (1918) Reginald Alberto Agrati Stoneham
sm15.gif Wait'll You See My Gal (1924) Jerry Sullivan Lucky Wilber (words)
sm15.gif Yogiland (1919) Dan. J. Sullivan
sm15.gif I Want My Money (1916) Howard Talbot Bertram Lestrange (words)
sm15.gif Mignon - Entr'acte (19--) Ambroise Thomas Elvira Leveroni (perf.)
sm15.gif Mumblin' Moss (1902) Thomas W. Thurban
sm15.gif War Whoop Rag (1908), The Thomas W. Thurban
sm15.gif Pucker Up Your Lips, Miss Lindy (1912) Albert von Tilzer Eli. Dawson (words)
White & Lasses (perf.)
Albert Campbell (perf.)
sm15.gif Ashes of Roses (1950) Harry Tobias ''Teepee" Mitchell1 (words)
Lew Porter (words)
sm15.gif Angelus (1922), The Traditional Clara Butt (perf.)
sm15.gif Angels That Around Us Hover (19--) William Vincent Wallace
sm15.gif Hunting Song (1936c) Carl Maria von Weber
sm15.gif Matrimonial Handicap (1913), The Robert P. Weston Jack Charman (perf.)
sm15.gif I Put on My Hat and Walked Away (1939) James Whidden Harold Moschetti (co-author)
sm15.gif  There's a Girl Inside (1905) J.C. Williamson(w&m) Victoria Monks (perf.)