Justin Ringleben  (1876-1963)
Last updated: 08.09.24
url15.gif Justin Ring’s Fifty Years on Record Biography by The Syncopated Times  
url15.gif  DAHR: Justin Ring List of 344 historic recordings from 1901 to 1935.
Justin Ringleben  (1876-1963) has at least 1 item(s) at the Amazons which you can order on-line by clicking the item's order icon.
Kingdom of Flowers, The
Music by: Justin Ringleben.
Publisher: Carl Fischer Music Publisher
Suppliers: flag15uk.gif
Printed: 1905. Sheet Music.
  Title (Release Year) Co-Author(s) Performers Issue
cylinder15.gif By the Babbling Brook (1919) F.W. Hager Sibyl Sanderson Fagan
Lewis James
Edison Blue Amberol: 3807
cylinder15.gif A Spring Morning (1904) F.W. Hager Sibyl Sanderson Fagan Edison Gold Moulded Record: 8838
cylinder15.gif Jovial Joe (1904) F.W. Hager Edison Military Band Edison Gold Moulded Record: 8838
cylinder15.gif The Scarecrow Dance (1904) Edison Symphony Orchestra Edison Gold Moulded Record: 8485
  Title Co-Author(s) Sequencer
audiomidi15.gif Sweet Potatoes (1906) James Pitt-Payne
  Title (Release Year) Composer Performers Issue
recordmp3.gif April Sighs (1923) J. Ringleben Sibyl Sanderson Fagan Edison: 9111
record15.gif Bells (1925) J. Ringleben Sibyl Sanderson Fagan
Lewis James
Columbia: 140422
record15.gif Bird and the Frog, The (1925) J. Ringleben Sibyl Sanderson Fagan Columbia: 140377
recordmp3.gif Bird and the Saxophone, The (1921) J. Ringleben Sibyl Sanderson Fagan Edison: 7750
recordmp3.gif Bird at the Waterfall, The (1921) J. Ringleben Sibyl Sanderson Fagan Edison: 7751
record15.gif Buffalo Bill (1929) J. Ringleben Mack Allen
Vernon Dalhart
Columbia: 148449
recordmp3.gif By the Babbling Brook (1919) J. Ringleben Sibyl Sanderson Fagan
Lewis James
Edison: 6769
record15.gif Carnival Night (1922) J. Ringleben Byron George Harlan OKeh: S-70425
record15.gif Christmas Eve (1935) J. Ringleben Victor Novelty Orchestra Victor: BS-98010
record15.gif Christmas Memories (1921) J. Ringleben Hager's Concert Orch. OKeh: S-70262
recordmp3.gif Circus Life Galop (1909) J. Ringleben William H. Reitz Victor: B-8476
record15.gif Clock of Love, The (1921) J. Ringleben Hotel Pennsylvania Orch. OKeh: S-7923
record15.gif Custer's Last Fight (1929) J. Ringleben Mack Allen
Vernon Dalhart
Columbia: 148448
record15.gif Dancing Dolls (1926) J. Ringleben Columbia Orchestra Columbia: W141977
record15.gif Dancing Notes (1931) J. Ringleben Brunswick Studio Orchestra Brunswick: E36903
record15.gif Danse Hongroise (1924) J. Ringleben Frank E. Banta
R. Wiedoeft
Brunswick: 14154-14157
record15.gif  Echoes of the Dance (1923) J. Ringleben Sibyl Sanderson Fagan OKeh: S-71164
record15.gif Falling Leaves (1903) J. Ringleben Victor Grand Concert Band Victor: [Pre- D-]2009
record15.gif Funny Bone (1931) J. Ringleben Brunswick Studio Orchestra Brunswick: E36904
record15.gif Grandma's Music Box (1935) J. Ringleben Victor Novelty Orchestra Victor: BS-98011
record15.gif Great Red Moon, The (1921) J. Ringleben Sibyl Sanderson Fagan OKeh: S-70395
recordmp3.gif Happy Moments (1927) J. Ringleben W.V. Brunt
Sibyl Sanderson Fagan
Edison: 11634
record15.gif Hawaiian Starlight (1921) J. Ringleben Blue Diamond Dance Orch. OKeh: S-70348
record15.gif I'd Be Good, Yes, For Good, For a Good Girl (1920) J. Ringleben Charles Hart
Lewis James
Charles F. Robinson
Elliott Shaw
OKeh: S-7490
record15.gif In My Garden of Yesterday (1919) J. Ringleben Samuel Ash OKeh: S-7005
record15.gif Jokes (1922) J. Ringleben Rega Dance Orchestra OKeh: S-70986
recordmp3.gif Jovial Joe (1904) J. Ringleben Columbia Orchestra Columbia: 1822
record15.gif Kiddies on Parade (1935) J. Ringleben Victor Novelty Orchestra Victor: BS-98009
recordmp3.gif Little Whistler, The (1919) J. Ringleben Sibyl Sanderson Fagan Edison: 6569
recordmp3.gif Molly (1921) J. Ringleben Black and White Melody Boys Edison: 7839
record15.gif My Sweet Song-Bird of the California Hills (1919) J. Ringleben H. Burr
Sibyl Sanderson Fagan
OKeh: 686
record15.gif Oriola (1921) J. Ringleben Rega Dance Orchestra OKeh: S-7747
record15.gif Pretty Miss Virginia (1920) J. Ringleben All American Five OKeh: S-7523
record15.gif  Rocking Horse Parade (1922) J. Ringleben Hager's Concert Orch. OKeh: S-70864
recordmp3.gif Scarecrow Dance, The (1904) J. Ringleben Columbia Orchestra Columbia: 1789
recordmp3.gif Spring Morning, A (1920) J. Ringleben Sibyl Sanderson Fagan Edison: 7114
recordmp3.gif Sundown in Birdland (1918) J. Ringleben Sibyl Sanderson Fagan
Harvey Hindermeyer
Harvey Wilson
Edison: 6451
recordmp3.gif Swanee Smiles (1922) J. Ringleben Clyde Doerr Orchestra Victor: B-26741
record15.gif Swaying Narcissus, The (1923) J. Ringleben Sibyl Sanderson Fagan OKeh: S-71734
record15.gif Theatre of Dancing Dolls, The (1935) J. Ringleben Victor Novelty Orchestra Victor: BS-98008
record15.gif There She Goes (1920) J. Ringleben Rega Dance Orchestra OKeh: S-7292
record15.gif Under the Mulberry Tree (1922) J. Ringleben Byron George Harlan OKeh: S-70476
record15.gif Unky Unky Sextette Band, The (1924) J. Ringleben National Male Quartet OKeh: S-72529
record15.gif Virginia Two-Step (1908) J. Ringleben Arthur Pryor's Band Victor: B-6411
record15.gif When Cathedral Bells at Twilight Chime (1921) J. Ringleben Jane Neilson OKeh: S-7739
record15.gif Whistling Bill and the Lark (1925) J. Ringleben Sibyl Sanderson Fagan Columbia: 140376
recordmp3.gif Whoop-La-Willie, Don't Let Me Go (1910) J. Ringleben Paul Southe Columbia: 4352
recordmp3.gif Woodland Flirt, The (1923) J. Ringleben Sibyl Sanderson Fagan Edison: 9110
     Performer CD Title Supplier
Ragtime Music CDs:
cd15.gif Tom Brier Generic
     Title Attribution Instruments Source Remarks
pdf15.gif Bobolink (1907) J. Ringleben (music) Piano Indiana wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Kiss Me by Wireless (1922) J. Ringleben (w&m)
L. Breau (coauth.)
Fredrick W. Hager (coauth.)
Piano, Voice Indiana wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Sweet Potatoes (1906) J. Ringleben (music) Piano Indiana Pub.
pdf15.gif Virginia (1907) J. Ringleben (music) Piano Indiana Pub.
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 63 works by Justin Ringleben (1876-1963). It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: ER pdf15.gif (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Falling Leaves 1903 Victor Grand Concert Band (perf.)   record15.gif
Jovial Joe 1904 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
Edison Military Band (perf.)
Columbia Orchestra (perf.)
 wvicon.gif youtube15.jpg  recordmp3.gif cylinder15.gif
Ohh - La - La! 1904 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)  Pub.
Scarecrow Dance, The 1904 Columbia Orchestra (perf.)
Edison Symphony Orchestra (perf.)
  recordmp3.gif cylinder15.gif
Kingdom of Flowers, The 1905  amazon15.gif wvicon.gif
Knights of the Round Table 1905 Arr. by Alfred Roth  Pub.
Peek-A-Boo, Little Girl, Peek-A-Boo 1906 Jack Freeman (words)  wvicon.gif
Strains From Dixie-Land 1906  wvicon.gif
Sweet Potatoes 1906  Pub.
Bobolink 1907  Pub.
Virginia 1907  Pub.
Virginia Two-Step 1908 Arthur Pryor's Band (perf.)   record15.gif
Circus Life Galop 1909 William H. Reitz (perf.)   recordmp3.gif
Whoop-La-Willie, Don't Let Me Go 1910 Ed. Farren (words)
Paul Southe (perf.)
Sundown in Birdland 1918 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
Sibyl Sanderson Fagan (perf.)
Harvey Hindermeyer (perf.)
Harvey Wilson (perf.)
By the Babbling Brook 1919 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
Sibyl Sanderson Fagan (perf.)
Lewis James (perf.)
 wvicon.gif  recordmp3.gif cylinder15.gif
Title Year Attribution Remarks
I Wish I Could 1919 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)  wvicon.gif
In My Garden of Yesterday 1919 Samuel Ash (co-author)
Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
Samuel Ash (perf.)
Little Whistler, The 1919 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
Sibyl Sanderson Fagan (perf.)
My Sweet Song-Bird of the California Hills 1919 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
Henry Burr (perf.)
Sibyl Sanderson Fagan (perf.)
Bird and the Saxophone, The 1920 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
Sibyl Sanderson Fagan (perf.)
I'd Be Good, Yes, For Good, For a Good Girl 1920 Frank Goodman (words)
Charles Hart (perf.)
Lewis James (perf.)
Charles F. Robinson (perf.)
Elliott Shaw (perf.)
Molly 1920 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
Black and White Melody Boys (perf.)
Pretty Miss Virginia 1920 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
All American Five (perf.)
Spring Morning, A 1920 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
Sibyl Sanderson Fagan (perf.)
  recordmp3.gif cylinder15.gif
There She Goes 1920 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
Rega Dance Orchestra (perf.)
Bird at the Waterfall, The 1921 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
Sibyl Sanderson Fagan (perf.)
Christmas Memories 1921 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
Hager's Concert Orch. (perf.)
Clock of Love, The 1921 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
Hotel Pennsylvania Orch. (perf.)
Great Red Moon, The 1921 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
Sibyl Sanderson Fagan (perf.)
Hawaiian Starlight 1921 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
Blue Diamond Dance Orch. (perf.)
Oriola 1921 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
Rega Dance Orchestra (perf.)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
When Cathedral Bells at Twilight Chime 1921 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
Jane Neilson (perf.)
Woodland Flirt, The 1921 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
Sibyl Sanderson Fagan (perf.)
Carnival Night 1922 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
Jokes 1922 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
Rega Dance Orchestra (perf.)
Kiss Me by Wireless (w&m) 1922 Louis Breau (co-author)
Fredrick W. Hager (co-author)
Rocking Horse Parade 1922 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
Hager's Concert Orch. (perf.)
Swanee Smiles 1922 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
Clyde Doerr Orchestra (perf.)
Under the Mulberry Tree 1922 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
April Sighs 1923 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
Sibyl Sanderson Fagan (perf.)
Echoes of the Dance 1923 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
Sibyl Sanderson Fagan (perf.)
Gloria 1923 Fred Hager (co-author)  youtube15.jpg
Swaying Narcissus, The 1923 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
Sibyl Sanderson Fagan (perf.)
Danse Hongroise 1924 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
Frank E. Banta (perf.)
Rudy Wiedoeft (perf.)
Unky Unky Sextette Band, The 1924 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
National Male Quartet (perf.)
Bells 1925 Frederick W. Hager (words)
Sibyl Sanderson Fagan (perf.)
Lewis James (perf.)
Bird and the Frog, The 1925 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
Sibyl Sanderson Fagan (perf.)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Happy Moments 1925 Frederick W. Hager (words)
Walter Van Brunt (perf.)
Sibyl Sanderson Fagan (perf.)
Whistling Bill and the Lark 1925 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
Sibyl Sanderson Fagan (perf.)
Dancing Dolls 1926 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
Columbia Orchestra (perf.)
Buffalo Bill 1929 Justin Ring (words)
Mack Allen (perf.)
Vernon Dalhart (perf.)
Custer's Last Fight (w&m) 1929 Mack Allen (perf.)
Vernon Dalhart (perf.)
Dancing Notes 1931 Brunswick Studio Orchestra (perf.)   record15.gif
Funny Bone 1931 Brunswick Studio Orchestra (perf.)   record15.gif
Christmas Eve 1935 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
Victor Novelty Orchestra (perf.)
Grandma's Music Box 1935 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
Victor Novelty Orchestra (perf.)
Kiddies on Parade 1935 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
Victor Novelty Orchestra (perf.)
Theatre of Dancing Dolls, The 1935 Frederick W. Hager (co-author)
Victor Novelty Orchestra (perf.)
Variations on Three Blind Mice For Piano 1935
You Gotta Go! (w&m) 1943  wvicon.gif
Boogy-Woogy Bill 1945
Dainty Little Dish, A 1945  youtube15.jpg
     Composer Title Performer
youtube15.jpg J. Ringleben A Dainty Little Dish (2:03) Ragtime Dorian Henry
youtube15.jpg J. Ringleben Gloria (0:00) Ragtime Dorian Henry
youtube15.jpg J. Ringleben Jovial Joe (0:00) Ragtime Dorian Henry