Pseudonyms and Stage Names 
Last updated: 23.02.24
Pseudonyms and Stage Names have been and still are used for a variety of reasons. Some because they just do not like their given name or feel that name is not commercial enough.. Others for reasons of gender equality, such as Caroline May Bruggeman Stark using Cy Perkins, where they felt a male songwriter/composer would be taken more seriously.
Then there is the peculiar case of Johann C. Schmid who used the female pseudonym of Marie Louka. Henry Fillmore, Robert A. King and R.G. Grady among many others also had a penchant for using gentle sex monickers for their compositions.
Composer Pseudonyms
Edna Belle Alexander (1892-1972) Alex Belledna
George D. Barnard (1857-1933) G. F. Daniels, George McQuaide, Edward Russell, Ed Hazel, M. B. Eaton
Dominic Behan (1928-1989) Wolf Stephens, Fintan Connolly
Theron Catlan Bennett (1879-1937) Barney & Seymore, George E. Florence
Mike Bernard (1881-1936) Mike Bernard
Harley F. Brocht Glen Barton
Fred Brownold Ted Browne
Carrie Bruggeman (1881-1972) Cy Perkins, Cal Stark
Walter Van Brunt Walter Scanlon
George Linus Cobb (1886-1942) Leo Gordon
Arthur Charles Cohen (1875-1939) Charles Kingsford
Charles Neil Daniels (1878-1943) L'Albert, Neil Moret, Paul Bertrand, Jules Lemare, Sidney Carter
Worton David (-1940) Gene McCarthy, Gene Williams
Francis John Dickson (1888-1953) R.B. Saxe
Max Dreyfus (1874-1964) Max Eugene
Hans Engelmann (1872-1914) Heinrich Engel, Charles Lindsay, Pierre Renard
Henry Fillmore (1881-1956) Gus Beans, Harold Bennett, Ray Hall, Harry Hartley, Al Hayes, Will Huff, Henrietta Moore
 Lewis John Fuiks (1893-1962) Victor Arden
Noel Gay (1898-1954) Stanley Hill
R.G. Grady Henry Bartell, Eugene Mack, Bessie Barrett, Violet Hudson, Victor Moulton
Martin Greenwald Sister of St. Joseph, P. Lichner, H. Reed, M. Streabogg, Geo Elbert Howard
Frederick W. Hager (1874-1958) Wallace Fredericks, F. Wallace Regá, Milo Regá
Stephen R. Henry (1874-1966) Stephen R. Henry
Victor Herbert (1859-1924) Noble MacClure
Alberta Himan (1855-) Henry Berti
Dick Hyman J. Gaines
Chas. L. Johnson (1876-1950) Raymond Birch, Herbert Leslie, Eugene Edgar Ballard, Moran Moore
Robert A. King (1862-1932) Mary Earl, Robert Keiser
Sadie Koninsky (1879-1952) Jerome Hartman
Max Kortlander (1890-1961) Ted Baxter, Jeff Watters
James Bodewalt Lampe (1869-1929) Ribé Danmark
Sylvester A. Legg (1855-1927) H. O. Lang
Sol P. Levy (1981-1920) John Boulton, Henry Hough, Edouard Roberts, Paul Vely
Harry J. Lincoln (1878-1937) Thomas Casele, Ben E. Crosby, James L. Dempsey, Raymond Edwards, I. Furman-Mulliner, James L. Harlin, Frederick M. Holmes, Harry Jay, Joseph Kiefer, Abe Losch, Carl Loveland, Carl L. Loveland, Gay A. Rimert, Lillian H. Sarver, Chas C. Sweeley, Caird M. Vandersloot, Carl D. Vandersloot, F. W. Vandersloot, Jesse Westover, Frederick Williams
Cecil Mack (1883-1944) R. C. MacPherson, Cecil Macklin
 Friedel Albrecht Marcuse (1906-1974) Rolf Marbot
Albert F. Marzian Mark Janza
Michael Maybrick (1841-1913) Stevens Adams
George Maywood (- 1921) George Maywood Schleiffahrt
Mabel McKinley (1877-1937) Vivian Grey
Veronica Mikova (1887-1937) Gypsy Countess Verona
Luella Lockwood Moore (1864-1927) Marion Arlington, Phil &. Beth Moore
Arthur Cleveland Morse Norman Leigh
Theodore F. Morse (1873-1924) D. A. Esrom
Theodore H. Northrup (1866-1919) Theo Havemeyer
Abe Olman (1888-1984) Arthur Manlowe
Harold Pinder Rednip
William C. Polla (1876-1939) Cy Seymour, W. C. Powell
Charles Arthur Rawlings (1858-1919) Haydon Augarde, Theo Bonheur, Auguste Cons, Jean Douste, Paul Perrier, Maurice Telma
Will Rossiter (1867-1954) W.R. Williams
Johann C. Schmid Marie Louka
Jean Schwartz (1878-1956) Howard Lipson
Joe Slater (1872-1926) le Felix Roy
 Etilmon J. Stark (1867-1962) Bud Manchester
Reginald Alberto Agrati Stoneham (1879-1942) Alberto Agrati
Robert Morrison Stults (1861-1933) S. M. Roberts
Percy Wenrich (1880-1952) Earl La Farge, Eugene La Farge, Dolly Richmond
Robert P. Weston Bob Harris, Bob Weston
Septimus Winner (1827-1902) Alice Hawthorne
Florence M. Wood Florence W. Johnson
Lawrence Wright (1888-1964) Horatio Nichollls
John Stepan Zamecnik (1872-1953) Lionel Baxter, R.L. (Robert) Creighton, Arturo de Castro, Josh and Ted, J. (Jane) Hathaway, Kathryn Hawthorne, Roberta Hudson, Ioane Kawelo, Dorothy Lee, J. Edgar Lowell, Jules Reynard, F. (Frederick) van Norman, Hal Vinton, Grant Wellesley
Performer Pseudonyms
Dolly Kay (1900-1952) Sally Freeman
Olive Kline (1887-1976) Alice Green, Olive Kline Hulihan
Frederick J. Wheeler James F. Harrison
John Young (1870-1954) Harry Anthony
Pseudonyms Composer
Mark Janza Albert F. Marzian
Adams, Stevens Michael Maybrick (1841-1913)
Agrati, Alberto Reginald Alberto Agrati Stoneham (1879-1942)
Arden, Victor Lewis John Fuiks (1893-1962)
Arlington, Marion Luella Lockwood Moore (1864-1927)
Augarde, Haydon Charles Arthur Rawlings (1858-1919)
Ballard, Eugene Edgar Chas. L. Johnson (1876-1950)
Barney & Seymore Theron Catlan Bennett (1879-1937)
Barrett, Bessie R.G. Grady
Bartell, Henry R.G. Grady
Barton, Glen Harley F. Brocht
Baxter, Lionel John Stepan Zamecnik (1872-1953)
Baxter, Ted Max Kortlander (1890-1961)
Beans, Gus Henry Fillmore (1881-1956)
Belledna, Alex Edna Belle Alexander (1892-1972)
Bennett, Harold Henry Fillmore (1881-1956)
Bernard, Mike Mike Bernard (1881-1936)
Berti, Henry Alberta Himan (1855-)
Bertrand, Paul Charles Neil Daniels (1878-1943)
 Birch, Raymond Chas. L. Johnson (1876-1950)
Bonheur, Theo Charles Arthur Rawlings (1858-1919)
Boulton, John Sol P. Levy (1981-1920)
Browne, Ted Fred Brownold
Carter, Sidney Charles Neil Daniels (1878-1943)
Casele, Thomas Harry J. Lincoln (1878-1937)
Castro, Arturo de John Stepan Zamecnik (1872-1953)
Connolly, Fintan Dominic Behan (1928-1989)
Cons, Auguste Charles Arthur Rawlings (1858-1919)
Creighton, R.L. (Robert) John Stepan Zamecnik (1872-1953)
Crosby, Ben E. Harry J. Lincoln (1878-1937)
Daniels, G. F. George D. Barnard (1857-1933)
Danmark, Ribé James Bodewalt Lampe (1869-1929)
Dempsey, James L. Harry J. Lincoln (1878-1937)
Douste, Jean Charles Arthur Rawlings (1858-1919)
Earl, Mary Robert A. King (1862-1932)
Eaton, M. B. George D. Barnard (1857-1933)
Edwards, Raymond Harry J. Lincoln (1878-1937)
Engel, Heinrich Hans Engelmann (1872-1914)
Esrom, D. A. Theodore F. Morse (1873-1924)
 Eugene, Max Max Dreyfus (1874-1964)
Farge, Earl La Percy Wenrich (1880-1952)
Farge, Eugene La Percy Wenrich (1880-1952)
Florence, George E. Theron Catlan Bennett (1879-1937)
Fredericks, Wallace Frederick W. Hager (1874-1958)
Furman-Mulliner, I. Harry J. Lincoln (1878-1937)
Gaines, J. Dick Hyman
Gordon, Leo George Linus Cobb (1886-1942)
Grey, Vivian Mabel McKinley (1877-1937)
Gypsy Countess Verona Veronica Mikova (1887-1937)
Hall, Ray Henry Fillmore (1881-1956)
Harlin, James L. Harry J. Lincoln (1878-1937)
Harris, Bob Robert P. Weston
Hartley, Harry Henry Fillmore (1881-1956)
Hartman, Jerome Sadie Koninsky (1879-1952)
Hathaway, J. (Jane) John Stepan Zamecnik (1872-1953)
Havemeyer, Theo Theodore H. Northrup (1866-1919)
Hawthorne, Alice Septimus Winner (1827-1902)
Hawthorne, Kathryn John Stepan Zamecnik (1872-1953)
Hayes, Al Henry Fillmore (1881-1956)
 Hazel, Ed George D. Barnard (1857-1933)
Henry, Stephen R. Stephen R. Henry (1874-1966)
Hill, Stanley Noel Gay (1898-1954)
Holmes, Frederick M. Harry J. Lincoln (1878-1937)
Hough, Henry Sol P. Levy (1981-1920)
Howard, Geo Elbert Martin Greenwald
Hudson, Roberta John Stepan Zamecnik (1872-1953)
Hudson, Violet R.G. Grady
Huff, Will Henry Fillmore (1881-1956)
Jay, Harry Harry J. Lincoln (1878-1937)
Johnson, Florence W. Florence M. Wood
Joseph Kiefer Harry J. Lincoln (1878-1937)
Josh and Ted John Stepan Zamecnik (1872-1953)
Kawelo, Ioane John Stepan Zamecnik (1872-1953)
Keiser, Robert Robert A. King (1862-1932)
Kingsford, Charles Arthur Charles Cohen (1875-1939)
L'Albert Charles Neil Daniels (1878-1943)
Lang, H. O. Sylvester A. Legg (1855-1927)
Lee, Dorothy John Stepan Zamecnik (1872-1953)
Leigh, Norman Arthur Cleveland Morse
 Lemare, Jules Charles Neil Daniels (1878-1943)
Leslie, Herbert Chas. L. Johnson (1876-1950)
Lichner, P. Martin Greenwald
Lindsay, Charles Hans Engelmann (1872-1914)
Lipson, Howard Jean Schwartz (1878-1956)
Losch, Abe Harry J. Lincoln (1878-1937)
Louka, Marie Johann C. Schmid
Loveland, Carl Harry J. Lincoln (1878-1937)
Loveland, Carl L. Harry J. Lincoln (1878-1937)
Lowell, J. Edgar John Stepan Zamecnik (1872-1953)
MacClure, Noble Victor Herbert (1859-1924)
Mack, Eugene R.G. Grady
Macklin, Cecil Cecil Mack (1883-1944)
MacPherson, R. C. Cecil Mack (1883-1944)
Manchester, Bud Etilmon J. Stark (1867-1962)
Manlowe, Arthur Abe Olman (1888-1984)
Marbot, Rolf Friedel Albrecht Marcuse (1906-1974)
McCarthy, Gene Worton David (-1940)
McQuaide, George George D. Barnard (1857-1933)
Moore, Henrietta Henry Fillmore (1881-1956)
 Moore, Moran Chas. L. Johnson (1876-1950)
Moore, Phil &. Beth Luella Lockwood Moore (1864-1927)
Moret, Neil Charles Neil Daniels (1878-1943)
Moulton, Victor R.G. Grady
Nichollls, Horatio Lawrence Wright (1888-1964)
Norman, F. (Frederick) van John Stepan Zamecnik (1872-1953)
Perkins, Cy Carrie Bruggeman (1881-1972)
Perrier, Paul Charles Arthur Rawlings (1858-1919)
Powell, W. C. William C. Polla (1876-1939)
Rednip Harold Pinder
Reed, H. Martin Greenwald
Regá, F. Wallace Frederick W. Hager (1874-1958)
Regá, Milo Frederick W. Hager (1874-1958)
Renard, Pierre Hans Engelmann (1872-1914)
Reynard, Jules John Stepan Zamecnik (1872-1953)
Richmond, Dolly Percy Wenrich (1880-1952)
Rimert, Gay A. Harry J. Lincoln (1878-1937)
Roberts, Edouard Sol P. Levy (1981-1920)
Roberts, S. M. Robert Morrison Stults (1861-1933)
Roy, le Felix Joe Slater (1872-1926)
 Russell, Edward George D. Barnard (1857-1933)
Sarver, Lillian H. Harry J. Lincoln (1878-1937)
Saxe, R.B. Francis John Dickson (1888-1953)
Scanlon, Walter Walter Van Brunt
Schleiffahrt, George Maywood George Maywood (- 1921)
Seymour, Cy William C. Polla (1876-1939)
Sister of St. Joseph Martin Greenwald
Stark, Cal Carrie Bruggeman (1881-1972)
Stephens, Wolf Dominic Behan (1928-1989)
Streabogg, M. Martin Greenwald
Sweeley, Chas C. Harry J. Lincoln (1878-1937)
Telma, Maurice Charles Arthur Rawlings (1858-1919)
Vandersloot, Caird M. Harry J. Lincoln (1878-1937)
Vandersloot, Carl D. Harry J. Lincoln (1878-1937)
Vandersloot, F. W. Harry J. Lincoln (1878-1937)
Vely, Paul Sol P. Levy (1981-1920)
Vinton, Hal John Stepan Zamecnik (1872-1953)
Watters, Jeff Max Kortlander (1890-1961)
Wellesley, Grant John Stepan Zamecnik (1872-1953)
Weston, Bob Robert P. Weston
 Westover, Jesse Harry J. Lincoln (1878-1937)
Williams, Frederick Harry J. Lincoln (1878-1937)
Williams, Gene Worton David (-1940)
Williams, W.R. Will Rossiter (1867-1954)
Actual persons once thought to be pseudonyms
  1. Ethel May Earnist: once held to be Chas. L. Johnson
  2. Harry A. Fischler: once held to be Harry J. Lincoln
  3. Fannie Bell Woods: once held to be Chas. L. Johnson