Arthur Lloyd  (1839-1904)
Last updated: 04.10.24
url15.gif Arthur Lloyd Biography by  
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  Title (Release Year) Composer Performers Issue
  Wax Cylinders      
cylinder15.gif The Upper Ten and Lower Five (1897-1899) A. Lloyd Roger Harding
L. Spencer
Columbia Phonograph Co.: 8401
This list is derived from information provided by which went down sometime in 2023.
The loss of this valuable resource is very sad and a mystery.
     Title Attribution Remarks
  All Through Obliging a Lady Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  American Beef Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  American Drinks, The H.C. Maguire (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Angelina Was Always Fond of Soldiers Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Arthur and Martha Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Baby Show, The Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Beautiful Young Widow Brown Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Beef, Pork, Mutton Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Beware of the Widow Bennett Scott (music)
A.J. Mills (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Bird Whistle Man, The Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Blighted Barber, The Robert Coote (music)
Frank W. Green (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
   Bob Baker, the Shoe Maker Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Brewer's Daughter, The Arthur Lloyd (music)
George Bicknell (words)
H C Maguire (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Brown the Tragedian G.W. Hunt (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Busy Bee, The Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  But of Course It's No Business of Mine Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Chillingowullabadorie Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Costermonger's Song, The Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Countess of Constantinople Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Cow and Three Acres, A Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Diddle Diddle Dumpling Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Dirty Dick's and Matilda Hicks Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Do Ra Mi Fa Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
   Dobbs in Paris Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Don't Ask Me to Give Up Flo Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Don't Say I Told You Arthur Lloyd (music)
George Russell Jackson (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Drink, and Lets Have Another Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Dumplings Arthur Lloyd (music)
John Nash (words)
John Nash (perf.)
  Envy of the World Down at Westminster, The Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
G.H. MacDermott (perf.)
  Fireman's Dog of Wapping, The Arthur Lloyd (music)
W. Burnot (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  For Sophia-Phia-Phia Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Funny Mrs. Jones G.W. Hunt (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Gallant 93rd, The Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Good-Bye John G.W. Hunt (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Happiest Day of My Life, The Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
   Happy Thought Arthur Lloyd (music)
H C Maguire (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Hush a Bye Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  I Couldn't Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  I Shall Tell My Mama Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  I Sigh For Her in Vain Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  I Think It Looks Very Much Like It Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  I Vowed That I Never Would Leave Her Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  I'll Place It in the Hands of My Solicitors Fred Gilbert (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  I'll Strike You With a Feather Arthur Lloyd (music)
G.H. MacDermott (words)
G.H. MacDermott (perf.)
  Immenseikoff Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Ipecacuanha Arthur Lloyd (music)
W.W. Thornton (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  It Makes Me So Awfully Wild Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
   It's a Sort of Thing We Read About Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  It's Naughty, But It's Nice Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  It's Wonderful How We Do It, But We Do Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Johnny Go Into the Garden Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Just by the Angel at Islington Arthur Lloyd (music)
Arthur Lloyd (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Just the Thing For Frank James Batchelder (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Just to Show There's No Ill Feeling Arthur Lloyd (music)
A. Foster. Esq. (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Madame Tussaud's Arthur Lloyd (music)
Robert Reece (words)
John Lawrence Toole (perf.)
  Major De Voy Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Married to a Mermaid Michael Watson (music)
Arthur Lloyd (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Millingtary Band, The Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Mounseer Frenchy Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
   Mr. Liddle and Miss Riddle Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Mrs. Mary Plucker Sparrowtail Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
  My Story It Is True Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  My Wife's Relations Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Not For Joseph Alfred Lee (music)
H.J. Whymark (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Of Course It's No Business of Mine Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Oh! I Shall Call Dada Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Oh! Marigold J.B. Geoghegan (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Oh, You Little Ducky Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Old Woman and Her Pig, The Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  One More Polka Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Organ Grinder, The G.W. Hunt (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
   Pardonnez Moi Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Piano Organ Man, The Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Policeman 92X Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Pom! Pom! Pom! Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Pretty Lips Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Pretty Little Mary Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Putney Bus, The Augustus Martini (music)
Florian Doré (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Reflecting on the Past Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Ring Master, The Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Roman Fall, The Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Roses and Dreams Arthur Lloyd (music)
Harold Jarvis (words)
Harold J. Jarvis (perf.)
  School Master, The Unknown (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
   She'd Kept Them All For Me Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Signor Mac Stinger, the Baritone Singer Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Silly Billy Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Some Lady's Dropp'd Her Chignon Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Song of Songs Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Take It Bob Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Take Your Time, Don't Hurry Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Takes the Cake Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  That's Why I've Not Got 'em On Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Thomas's Sewing Machine Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Tipperary Rose Arthur Lloyd (music)
Walter Burnot (words)
Arthur Roberts (perf.)
  Tooral-Ooral-Ooral Lee Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
   Twin Brothers, The Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Unfortunate Man, The Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Ups and Downs Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Vulgar Family, The Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  What Everything's Made Of Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  When I Prove False to Thee Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Where Are You Going? Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Where Are You? There You Are! Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  Who'll Shut the Door? Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  You Are You Know You Know You Are Arthur Lloyd (music)
J. Sturroch (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  You Know! Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  You May Look But You Mustn't Touch Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
   You Naughty Boy Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
  You Understand Arthur Lloyd (words & music)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
The peformer is featured on 104 sheet music/recording covers. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: (w&m)
     Title Composer Attribution Remarks
perf15.jpg Just the Thing For Frank (1870) James Batchelder H C Maguire (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
perf15.jpg Blighted Barber (1873), The Robert Coote Frank W. Green (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
perf15.jpg Oh! Marigold (1873) J.B. Geoghegan(w&m) Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
perf15.jpg I'll Place It in the Hands of My Solicitors (1887) Fred Gilbert(w&m) Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
perf15.jpg German Band (1865), The G.W. Hunt H C Maguire (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
perf15.jpg Organ Grinder (1865), The G.W. Hunt Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
perf15.jpg Good-Bye John (1868) G.W. Hunt Richard Childs (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
perf15.jpg Brown the Tragedian (1870) G.W. Hunt Richard Childs (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
perf15.jpg Dutch Clock Man (1873) G.W. Hunt Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
perf15.jpg Funny Mrs. Jones (1873) G.W. Hunt(w&m) Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
perf15.jpg  Not For Joseph (1871) Alfred Lee H.J. Whymark (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
perf15.jpg  American Drinks (1875), The H.C. Maguire(w&m) Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
perf15.jpg Putney Bus (1884), The Augustus Martini Florian Doré (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
perf15.jpg Beware of the Widow (1913) Bennett Scott(w&m) Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
perf15.jpg School Master (?), The Unknown Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
perf15.jpg Married to a Mermaid (1866) Michael Watson(w&m) Arthur Lloyd (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 127 works by Arthur Lloyd (1839-1904). It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Dirty Dick's and Matilda Hicks (w&m) 1860 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
Song of Songs (w&m) 1862 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
Arthur Lloyd's Medley (w&m) 1864  wvicon.gif
Billy Morris's Combination Song 1864 Billy Morris (perf.)  wvicon.gif
It's Wonderful How We Do It, But We Do (w&m) 1864 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  wvicon.gif
Arthur Lloyd's Song of Songs 1865  wvicon.gif
Beautiful Young Widow Brown (w&m) 1865 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
But of Course It's No Business of Mine (w&m) 1865 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  Pub.
Happy Thought (w&m) 1865 H C Maguire (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
It's a Sort of Thing We Read About (w&m) 1865 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  Pub.
Just by the Angel at Islington (w&m) 1865 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  wvicon.gif
My Story It Is True 1865 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  wvicon.gif
Of Course It's No Business of Mine (w&m) 1865 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  Pub.
Arthur Lloyd's Cruel Mary Holder 1866 George Bicknell (words)
H C Maguire (words)
Arthur Lloyd's Great Song Reflecting on the Past 1866  wvicon.gif
Married to a Mermaid 1866
Postman, The 1866 George Bicknell (words)
H C Maguire (words)
Bird Whistle Man, The (w&m) 1867 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  Pub.
Pollee-Wollee-Hama (w&m) 1867  wvicon.gif
Not For Joseph (w&m) 1868  Pub.
Railway Porter, The 1868
Vote For Grant (w&m) 1868  wvicon.gif
Brown, the Tragedian 1870
Constantinople 1870
Countess of Constantinople 1870 George Bicknell (words)
H C Maguire (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Fireman's Dog of Wapping, The 1870 W. Burnot (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
I Fancy I Can See Her Now 1870 H C Maguire (words)  wvicon.gif
It's Naughty, But It's Nice (w&m) 1870 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  Pub.
Just the Thing for Frank 1870
Mrs. Mary Plucker Sparrowtail (w&m) 1870  Pub.
Policeman 92X (w&m) 1870 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
Blighted Barber, The 1873
Bloated Aristocrat, The 1873
Bob Baker, the Shoe Maker (w&m) 1873 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
Busy Bee, The (w&m) 1873 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
Dobbs in Paris (w&m) 1873 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
Don't Ask Me to Give Up Flo (w&m) 1873 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  Pub.
I Vowed That I Never Would Leave Her (w&m) 1873 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
Immenseikoff 1873 H C Maguire (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
Ipecacuanha 1873 W W Thornton (words)
H C Maguire (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
It Makes Me So Awfully Wild (w&m) 1873 Richard Childs (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
Just to Show There's No Ill Feeling 1873 A. Foster. Esq. (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
Major De Voy (w&m) 1873 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
Millingtary Band, The (w&m) 1873 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
Oh! I Shall Call Dada (w&m) 1873 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  wvicon.gif
Pretty Little Mary 1873 H C Maguire (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
Ring Master, The (w&m) 1873 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
Some Lady's Dropp'd Her Chignon (w&m) 1873 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
Take It Bob 1873 Richard Childs (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
Thomas's Sewing Machine (w&m) 1873 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Tichborne Case, The 1873
Upper Ten and Lower Five, The 1873 Frederick Foster (words)
Roger Harding (perf.)
Len Spencer (perf.)
American Drinks 1875 H C Maguire (words)  wvicon.gif
Brewer's Daughter, The 1875 George Bicknell (words)
H C Maguire (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
Chillingowullabadorie (w&m) 1875c Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  Pub.
Happiest Day of My Life, The (w&m) 1876 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
I'll Strike You With a Feather (w&m) 1876 Nelly Farren (perf.)
G.H. MacDermott (perf.)
My Wife's Relations (w&m) 1876 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  wvicon.gif
Silly Billy 1876 Richard Childs (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
Twin Brothers, The 1876 Richard Childs (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
Reflecting on the Past 1877 Gentleman (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
American Beef (w&m) 1878 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
Nursery Rhymes (w&m) 1878  Pub.
Tipperary Rose 1878 Walter Burnot (words)
Arthur Roberts (perf.)
What Everything's Made Of (w&m) 1878 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
You May Look But You Mustn't Touch (w&m) 1878 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  wvicon.gif
Captain La-Di-Da-Di-Doo 1879 William Sim (words)  Pub.
Costermonger's Song, The (w&m) 1880 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
Cow and Three Acres, A (w&m) 1880 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  Pub.
Madame Tussaud's 1881 Robert Reece (words)
John Lawrence Toole (perf.)
All Through Obliging a Lady (w&m) 1882 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  Pub.
Arthur Lloyd's Celebrated Comic Medley 1882 William Sim (words)
Christy Minstrels (perf.)
Diddle Diddle Dumpling (w&m) 1882 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  Pub.
Envy of the World Down at Westminster, The (w&m) 1882 G.H. MacDermott (perf.)  Pub.
For Sophia-Phia-Phia (w&m) 1882 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  Pub.
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Gallant 93rd, The 1882 W. Spalding (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
I Shall Tell My Mama (w&m) 1882 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
Mr. Liddle and Miss Riddle (w&m) 1882 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  Pub.
Oh, You Little Ducky (w&m) 1882 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  Pub.
Pretty Lips (w&m) 1882 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  Pub.
She'd Kept Them All For Me 1882 A Rasmussen (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
Signor Mac Stinger, the Baritone Singer 1882 William Sim (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
Sophia-Phia-Phia (w&m) 1882  Pub.
When I Prove False to Thee 1882 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  Pub.
Don't Say I Told You 1883 George Russell Jackson (words)
Lon Dinsmore (perf.)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
For Goodness Sake Don't Say I Told You (w&m) 1883  wvicon.gif
Johnny Go Into the Garden (w&m) 1884 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  Pub.
Pardonnez Moi (w&m) 1884 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  Pub.
You Are You Know You Know You Are 1884 J Sturroch (words)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
One More Polka (w&m) 1887 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  Pub.
Piano Organ Man, The (w&m) 1887 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  Pub.
Takes the Cake (w&m) 1887 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  Pub.
Three Acres and a Cow (w&m) 1887  Pub.
Where Are You? There You Are! (w&m) 1887 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  Pub.
You Know! (w&m) 1887 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  Pub.
Arthur and Martha (w&m) 1889 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  wvicon.gif
Do Ra Mi Fa (w&m) 1889 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  Pub.
I Couldn't (w&m) 1890c Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  Pub.
And That's Why I've Not Got 'em On (w&m) 1891  Pub.
Drink, and Lets Have Another (w&m) 1891 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  Pub.
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Take Your Time, Don't Hurry (w&m) 1891 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  wvicon.gif
That's Why I've Not Got 'em On (w&m) 1891 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  Pub.
Hush a Bye (w&m) 1892 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  wvicon.gif
Mounseer Frenchy (w&m) 1892 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  Pub.
Pom! Pom! Pom! (w&m) 1892 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  Pub.
Vulgar Family, The (w&m) 1892 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  Pub.
Where Are You Going? (w&m) 1892 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
Who'll Shut the Door? (w&m) 1892 Annie King-Lloyd (perf.)
Harry King-Lloyd (perf.)
Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
You Naughty Boy (w&m) 1892 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  Pub.
Old Woman and Her Pig, The (w&m) 1895 Arthur Lloyd (perf.)  wvicon.gif
Roses and Dreams (w&m) 1915 Harold J. Jarvis (perf.)  wvicon.gif
Angelina Was Always Fond of Soldiers (w&m) ? Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
At it Again ?
Baby Show, The (w&m) ? Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
Beef, Pork, Mutton (w&m) ? Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
Costermonger's Christening, The ?
Costermonger's Wedding, The ?
Dumplings ? John Nash (words)
John Nash (perf.)
I Like to Be a Swell ?
I Sigh For Her in Vain (w&m) ? Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
I Think It Looks Very Much Like It (w&m) ? Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
Newhaven Fishwife ?
Roman Fall, The (w&m) ? Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
Tooral-Ooral-Ooral Lee (w&m) ? Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
Unfortunate Man, The (w&m) ? Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Ups and Downs (w&m) ? Arthur Lloyd (perf.)
You Understand (w&m) ? Arthur Lloyd (perf.)