E. Denham Harrison 
Last updated: 04.10.24
This list is derived from information provided by Monologues.co.uk which went down sometime in 2023.
The loss of this valuable resource is very sad and a mystery.
     Title Attribution Remarks
  Girl With the Paralytic Wink, The E. Denham Harrison (music)
W.T. Lytton (words)
Edie Ross (perf.)
  Give Me a Ticket to Heaven E. Denham Harrison (music)
Richard Elton (words)
E. Denham Harrison (perf.)
  Little Bit of East Up West E. Denham Harrison (music)
Edgar Bateman (words)
  She Wore a Little Safety-Pin Behind E. Denham Harrison (music)
W.T. Lytton (words)
Marie Lloyd (perf.)
Marie Loftus (perf.)
     Title Attribution Instruments Source Remarks
pdf15.gif Another Little Patch of Red (1900) E.D. Harrison (music)
W.T. Lytton (words)
Piano, Voice YorkSpace wvicon.gif
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 37 works by E. Denham Harrison. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: pdf15.gif (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Charles Godfrey's My Pal Jim 1895 Harry Adams (words)
Charles Godfrey (perf.)
Gigantic Wheel, The 1895 Richard Morton (words)
Charles Godfrey (perf.)
All For a Lady Fair 1896 C W Calvert (words)
George Leyton (perf.)
Always Ready! 1896 C W Calvert (words)
George Leyton (perf.)
It's a Good Thing, Push It Along 1896 Roland Carse (words)
Lily Harold (perf.)
She Wore a Little Safety-Pin Behind 1896 W.T. Lytton (words)
Marie Lloyd (perf.)
Marie Loftus (perf.)
Once a Soldier Always a Soldier 1897 W T Lytton (words)
George Lashwood (perf.)
Hurrah For the Road 1898 H Chance Newton (words)
George Leyton (perf.)
I Saw a Ship Go Sailing By 1898 W T Lytton (words)
Fannie Leslie (perf.)
Lily, Sweet Lily 1898 W T Lytton (words)
Emily Pritchard (perf.)
My 'enery 1898 Hugh Seton (words)
Kitty Corbett (perf.)
What Happened to Jones? 1898 C P Baseley (words)
Richard George Knowles (perf.)
Between the Lines 1899 Frank Renshaw (words)
Fannie Leslie (perf.)
Girl With the Paralytic Wink, The 1899 W.T. Lytton (words)
Edie Ross (perf.)
Hush, Hush, Hush! 1899 Harry Adams (words)  Pub.
Queen's Own Little Box of Soldiers, The 1899 W T Lytton (words)
Millie Hylton (perf.)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Queen, The 1899 W T Lytton (words)
Reddick Anderson (perf.)
Another Little Patch of Red 1900 W.T. Lytton (words)  wvicon.gif
Bang Up-To-Date Young Lady, The (w&m) 1900 Reddick Anderson (perf.)
Ronald Bagnall (perf.)
Day When You'll Be Mine , The 1901 Herbert Linwood (words)
Richard Elton (words)
De Player Ob De Big, Big Drum 1901 Francis Raphael (words)
Gypsy Woolf (perf.)
Don't Tell Ma Mammie, Please 1901 Richard Elton (words)
Gypsy Woolf (perf.)
I'm Absolutely Bustin' to Be Just Like That 1901 Roland Carse (words)
Dolly Harmer (perf.)
It Must End Up Happily 1901 Richard Elton (words)  Pub.
King and a Gentleman, A 1901 W T Lytton (words)
Alexandra Dagmar (perf.)
Little Bit of East Up West 1901 Edgar Bateman (words)  Pub.
Hepling Mother 1902 Edgar Bateman (words)
Dolly Harmer (perf.)
Give Me a Ticket to Heaven 1903 Richard Elton (words)
E. Denham Harrison (perf.)
Mother Is the Leader of Society 1912 Ted Snyder (words)
Madie Scott (perf.)
When Your Soul Called Mine 1913 Adelene Harrison (words)  Pub.
Spring Time (w&m) 1925
Stop Your Wobbling, Bike (w&m) 1925
Title Year Attribution Remarks
That Kruschen Feeling (w&m) 1925
Doubting (w&m) 1926
Garden of Love, The (w&m) 1926
Garden of Sad Despair, The (w&m) 1926
Our Friend (w&m) 1927