The Northumbrian Smallpipes Tutor
Last updated: 17.12.19
Printed: 2011 Author: John Liestman
Publisher: John Liestman ISBN:  

PDF Document: 160 pages.
Publisher's blurb:
A manual on how to play and maintain the Northumbrian Smallpipes with sections on reed making, resources, buying a set of pipes, reading music and lots of tunes for the beginning and intermediate player. Especially designed for the teacherless student.
Written to especially serve the isolated or teacherless player, beginner or advanced, "The Northumbrian Smallpipes Tutor" offers an all-inclusive course, with everything John Liestman could cram into 160 pages, including:
how to buy a set of pipes (and what options / keys / key to get to suit your needs) how to read and understand music and apply that to the pipes complete beginning and intermediate instruction common beginner problems such as how hard to squeeze and how to tell if the pipes are working extensive chapters on making chanter and drone reeds from scratch complete pipe maintenance and repairs that the player can do (and when to do them) about 30 tunes that well suit the pipes chapters on style and British Isles traditional music styles and tune types a big list of handy resources and a section on essential gadgets (some to buy, some to make) that will really help you out.
Personal remarks:
This is an excellent tutor addressing students on both sides of ditch and which more than fulfills its intentions.
Congratulations to the author who most generously allows free downloading of the tutor at