Usually ships within 2-3 days. Amazon Review
This was my 1st Jane's book purchase. I found the book full of information. It covers many countries including Britian, France, United States, Japan, Germany, Italy, & Russia. It also includes smaller countries like Brail, China, Sweeden, etc. There are several more. In my option it is a good reference. A word of warning; If you want all Ships that were in WWII you will have to purchase Jane's Fighting Ships of World War I also. One example of this is if you look for information on the USS Arizona; you'll need the WWI book since the battleship was built in June of 1915 (during WWI). There are no color pictures except for the dust jacket. Another aspect of the book that I enjoyed is the Recognition Silhouettes which show a side view of the ship which will be grouped by class and number of funnels. I would recommend this book and the Jane's Fighting Ships of World War I; since they go hand and hand.