The World War Two Songbook with a foreword by Spike Milligan.
Personal remarks:
I purchased this book whilst on holiday in London as a remaindered item, a real bargain at £3.75 compared with its original princely sale price of £12.95. A little sad because this is for me a beautiful book with a delightful foreword and description by Spike Milligan and Dennis Gifford respectively. As Spike Milligan writes in the foreword, this book is a little time capsule from those distant days of the Second World War. I consciously heard most of these songs on the radio in the late 1940s, a great childhood favourite being "Run, Rabbit Run". Nostalgic indeed for the immediate post-war period of deprivation and ration books.
- He Wears A Pair Of Silver Wings (1941)
- That Lovely Week-end (1941)
- Mister Brown Of London Town (1941)
- When They sound The Last All-Clear (1941)
- The White Cliffs of Dover (1941)
- Johnny Doughboy Found A Rose In Ireland (1942)
- If I Had Lots Of Coupons (1943)
- Get Crackin (1943)
- Lilli Marlene (1944)
- I'm Going To Get Lit Up (1943)