101 Hits for Buskers: Book 2: Piano/organ
Last updated: 14.05.20
Paperback, available within 4-6 weeks.
Amazon Review
Reviewer: By Macintyre's Speculum (UK)
This review is from: 101 Hits for Buskers Book 2 Piano/Organ Edition (Paperback)
I first used this book as a child. I remember finding my Dad's copy and working out how to transpose the guitar chords to the left hand on the piano. Good times...
You get 101 songs, the melody line, and guitar chords. Plus the lyrics. You are left to your own devices what to do next. Before you head off to the local underground I select some practice though.
The book is ring bound, so stays open at your selected page easily. You won't get any tips on how to play, but if you already know your way around a keyboard, there is an awful lot of inspiration here.