The 2nd Album of Harry Lauder's Popular Songs
Last updated: 03.06.20
Printed: 1907 Author: Harry Lauder
Publisher: Francis, Day & Hunter ISBN:  
Suppliers: flag15uk.gif    

Sheet music: 48 pages
With a biographical sketch by C. Wilmott.



  1. Queen amang the Heather
  2. The Weddin' o' Sandy MacNab
  3. When I get back tae Bonnie Scotland
  4. I've loved her ever since she was a baby
  5. Bonnie Leezie Lindsay
  6. Fou the Noo
  7. Robbie Roy Macintosh
  8. We parted on the Shore
  9. Gilt-edged Bertie
  1. The South Pole
  2. Mr. John Mackie
  3. Mrs. Jeam Macfarlane
  4. The Weddin' o' Lauchie M'Graw
  5. Inverery
  6. Is that you, McAllister?
  7. Piper McFarlane
  8. I wish you a Happy New Year