Ernest L. Stevens (1894-1981)
Last updated: 12.09.24
p_stevensel.jpgAccording to the Internet source given below, Ernest L. Stevens was an American pianist and orchestra leader born in Elizabeth, New Jersey.
He made at least 23 recordings at Edison, either as a solo pianist or with his trio (Charles J. Murray, M. Aron), between 1922 and 1928.
He died in Montclair, New Jersey.
url15.gif Ernest L. Stevens Discography by Discogs  
url15.gif  DAHR: Ernest L. Stevens List of 126 historic recordings from 1920 to 1929.

  Title (Release Year) Composer Performers Issue
cylinder15.gif Hot Lips (1922) H. Busse Ernest L. Stevens Edison Blue Amberol: 4661
cylinder15.gif Swaying - Waltz (1922) E.S. Chenette Ernest L. Stevens Edison Blue Amberol: 4575
cylinder15.gif Suppose the Rose Were You (1922) L. Denni Ernest L. Stevens Edison Blue Amberol: 4594
cylinder15.gif Valse Intermezzo (1922) E. Eysler Ernest L. Stevens Edison Blue Amberol: 4766
cylinder15.gif Soothing (1922) T. Fiorito Ernest L. Stevens Edison Blue Amberol: 4611
cylinder15.gif Glow Little Lantern of Love (1922) F. Fisher Ernest L. Stevens Edison Blue Amberol: 4527
cylinder15.gif On a Little Side Street (1922) C.K. Harris Ernest L. Stevens Edison Blue Amberol: 4560
cylinder15.gif Calanthe (1922) A. Holzmann Ernest L. Stevens Edison Blue Amberol: 4708
cylinder15.gif Artist's Reverie (1922) G. Jean-Aubry Ernest L. Stevens Edison Blue Amberol: 4728
cylinder15.gif Hesitation Waltz (1923) F.H. Klickmann Ernest L. Stevens Edison Blue Amberol: 4698
cylinder15.gif The Magic Mirror Op. 255 (1922) F.H. Losey Ernest L. Stevens Edison Blue Amberol: 4733
cylinder15.gif  Red Moon (1922) H. de Martini Ernest L. Stevens Edison Blue Amberol: 4654
cylinder15.gif Memories of the South (1922) Miscellaneous Ernest L. Stevens Edison Blue Amberol: 4555
cylinder15.gif Love Sends a Little Gift of Roses (1922) J. Openshaw Ernest L. Stevens Edison Blue Amberol: 4686
cylinder15.gif Three O'Clock in the Morning (1923) J. Robledo Ernest L. Stevens Edison Blue Amberol: 4676
cylinder15.gif All Over Nothing at All (1922) J.S. Rule Ernest L. Stevens Edison Blue Amberol Record: 4607
cylinder15.gif To Morrow - Fox Trot (1922) R. Turk Ernest L. Stevens Edison Blue Amberol: 4716
  Title (Release Year) Composer Performers Issue
recordmp3.gif Knice and Knifty (1923) R.F. Bargy Ernest L. Stevens Edison: 8744
recordmp3.gif Swaying - Waltz (1922) E.S. Chenette Ernest L. Stevens Edison: 1558
recordmp3.gif Greenwich Witch (1923) Z. Confrey Ernest L. Stevens Edison: 8745
recordmp3.gif My Pet (1923) Z. Confrey Ernest L. Stevens Edison: 8748
recordmp3.gif On the 'Gin 'Gin 'Ginny Shore - Fox Trot (1922) W. Donaldson Ernest L. Stevens Edison: 1565
recordmp3.gif On a Little Side Street (1922) C.K. Harris Ernest L. Stevens Edison: 1553
The peformer is featured on 21 sheet music/recording covers. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: (w&m) ER
     Title Composer Attribution Items
perf15.jpg Knice and Knifty (1922) Roy Frederick Bargy Charles T. Straight (co-author)
Ernest L. Stevens (perf.)
perf15.jpg Hot Lips (1922) Henry Busse(w&m) Henry Lange (co-author)
Lou Davis (words)
Ernest L. Stevens (perf.)
perf15.jpg Swaying - Waltz (1922) Edward S. Chenette Ernest L. Stevens (perf.)
 recordmp3.gif cylinder15.gif
perf15.jpg Greenwich Witch (1921) Zez Confrey Ernest L. Stevens (perf.)
perf15.jpg My Pet (1921) Zez Confrey Ernest L. Stevens (perf.)
perf15.jpg Suppose the Rose Were You (1922) Lucien Denni Gwynne Denni (words)
Ernest L. Stevens (perf.)
perf15.jpg On the 'Gin 'Gin 'Ginny Shore - Fox Trot (1922) Walter Donaldson Ernest L. Stevens (perf.)
perf15.jpg Valse Intermezzo (1920) Edmund Eysler Ernest L. Stevens (perf.)
perf15.jpg Soothing (1922) Ted Fiorito Eddie Storman (co-author)
Ernest L. Stevens (perf.)
perf15.jpg Glow Little Lantern of Love (1921) Fred Fisher Con Conrad (words)
Ernest L. Stevens (perf.)
perf15.jpg  On a Little Side Street (1921) Charles K. Harris(w&m) Joseph Edgar Howard (co-author)
Ernest L. Stevens (perf.)
 recordmp3.gif cylinder15.gif
perf15.jpg Calanthe (1900) Abe Holzmann Ernest L. Stevens (perf.)
perf15.jpg Artist's Reverie (1922) G. Jean-Aubry Ernest L. Stevens (perf.)
perf15.jpg Hesitation Waltz (1913) Frank Henri Klickmann Ernest L. Stevens (perf.)
perf15.jpg Magic Mirror Op. 255 (1910), The Frank Hoyt Losey Ernest L. Stevens (perf.)
perf15.jpg Red Moon (1922) Henri de Martini Max Kortlander (co-author)
John Traver (words)
Ernest L. Stevens (perf.)
perf15.jpg Memories of the South (1922) Miscellaneous Ernest L. Stevens (perf.)
perf15.jpg Love Sends a Little Gift of Roses (1919) John Openshaw Leslie Cooke (words)
Ernest L. Stevens (perf.)
perf15.jpg Three O'Clock in the Morning (1921) Julian Robledo Dorothy Terriss (co-author)
Ernest L. Stevens (perf.)
perf15.jpg All Over Nothing at All (1922) James S. Rule J. Keirn Brennan (words)
Paul Cunningham (words)
Ernest L. Stevens (perf.)
perf15.jpg To Morrow - Fox Trot (1922) Roy Turk J. Russel Robinson (words)
Ernest L. Stevens (perf.)