George H. Primrose (1852-1919)
Last updated: 11.07.23
url15.gif George H. Primrose Biography by  

George H. Primrose (1852-1919) has at least 1 item(s) at the Amazons which you can order on-line by clicking the item's order icon.
b0000d2h63_m.jpgWhar De Watermelon Grow Song
Words and Music by: Monroe H. Rosenfeld.
Performed by: George H. Primrose
Publisher: Jos. W. Stern & Co.
Suppliers: flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
Printed: 1898. Sheet Music. Limited Availability.
     Title Attribution Instruments Source Remarks
pdf15.gif I'll Make Dat Black Gal Mine (1896) C.B. Ward (music)
Dave Reed (words)
George H. Primrose (perf.)
Piano, Voice IMSLP wvicon.gif
This list is arranged by composer and contains 4 works performed by George H. Primrose who is featured on sheet music covers. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: (w&m) ER
     Title Composer Attribution Remarks
perf15.jpg Oh! Did'nt He Ramble (1902) William C. Handy(w&m) George H. Primrose (perf.) wvicon.gif
perf15.jpg Whar De Watermelon Grow (1898) Monroe H. Rosenfeld George H. Primrose (perf.) wvicon.gif
perf15.jpg De Swellest Ladie's Coon in Town (1897) Harry von Tilzer George H. Primrose (perf.) wvicon.gif
perf15.jpg I'll Make Dat Black Gal Mine (1896) Charles B. Ward Dave Reed (words)
George H. Primrose (perf.)