Eva Mudge (1881-1964)
Last updated: 29.01.24
p_mudgee.jpgAccording to the Internet source given below, Eva Mudge (née Genevra Delphine Mudge) was an American vaudeville actress born in Memphis, Michigan.
As a talented child actress, not yet thirteen, she appeared before President Cleveland in the White House in 1894. She made her professional debut at the Whitney Opera House in 1888 and went on to a have successful vaudeville stage career both in America and Europe.
She was also the first recorded female automobile driver obtaining a drivers license in 1898 in New York state. Her first car was a Waverly electric which she drove on the streets of New York City. Mudge may also have been the first female to race a car chosing the gasoline-powered Locomobile.
url15.gif Those of Us Who Try .. DO Part Article about Mudge family by tappingroots.com  
url15.gif Genevra Delphine Mudge Biography by wikipedia.org.  

This list is arranged by composer and contains 3 works performed by Eva Mudge who is featured on sheet music covers. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: (w&m) ER
     Title Composer Attribution Remarks
perf15.jpg She Certainly Looks Good to Me (1903) Nathan Bivins(w&m) Eva Mudge (perf.) wvicon.gif
perf15.jpg I'll Do the Same For You (1904) Joseph C. Farrell Henry Frantzen (words)
Eva Mudge (perf.)
perf15.jpg Little Boy in Blue (1902), A Theodore F. Morse Raymond A. Browne (words)
Eberly & Egbert (perf.)
Green & Werner (perf.)
Eva Mudge (perf.)
William Murray (perf.)
John C. Nestor (perf.)