Clara Moister
Last updated: 12.09.24
All that can presently (July 2024) be gleaned about Clara Moister from sheet music covers and by Internet searching is that she was presumably an American contralto who made at least 11 recordings between 1911 and 1914 on the Victor and Columbia labels.
Surfers are welcome to contribute any further information about this performer.
url15.gif  DAHR: Clara Moister List of 11 historic recordings from 1911 to 1914.

  Title (Release Year) Composer Performers Issue
  Historic Records      
recordmp3.gif My Skylark Love (1913) L. Denni H. Burr
Clara Moister
Columbia: 39044
recordmp3.gif Little Girl at Home, A (1912) V. Herbert H. Burr
Clara Moister
Columbia: 38464
recordmp3.gif Princess of Far Away (1912) V. Herbert Clara Moister Columbia: 38496
recordmp3.gif Girl in the Gingham Gown, The (1913) M. Klein H. Burr
Clara Moister
Columbia: 39072
recordmp3.gif Loreley, The (1913) F. Silcher Grace Kerns
Clara Moister
Beulah Gaylord Young
Columbia: 38573
recordmp3.gif Whispering Hope - Song (1911) S. Winner Clara Moister
Beulah Gaylord Young
Columbia: 19586
recordmp3.gif Stars of the Summer Night (1913) I. Woodbury Grace Kerns
Clara Moister
Beulah Gaylord Young
Columbia: 38574
The peformer is featured on 7 sheet music/recording covers. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: (w&m)
     Title Composer Attribution Items
perf15.jpg My Skylark Love (1913) Lucien Denni Geo. H. Bowles (words)
Henry Burr (perf.)
Clara Moister (perf.)
perf15.jpg Little Girl at Home (1912), A Victor Herbert Laurence Mccarty (words)
Henry Burr (perf.)
Clara Moister (perf.)
perf15.jpg Princess of Far Away (1912) Victor Herbert James O'Dea (words)
Clara Moister (perf.)
perf15.jpg Girl in the Gingham Gown (1913), The Manuel Klein(w&m) Henry Burr (perf.)
Clara Moister (perf.)
perf15.jpg Loreley (1838), The Friedrich Silcher Heinrich Heine (words)
Grace Kerns (perf.)
Clara Moister (perf.)
Beulah Gaylord Young (perf.)
perf15.jpg Whispering Hope - Song (1910) Septimus Winner Helen Clark (perf.)
Clara Moister (perf.)
Beulah Gaylord Young (perf.)
John Young as Harry Anthony (perf.)
perf15.jpg Stars of the Summer Night (1913) Isaac Baker Woodbury Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (words)
Grace Kerns (perf.)
Clara Moister (perf.)
Beulah Gaylord Young (perf.)