All that can presently (March 2021) be gleaned about
Madge Merry from sheet music covers and by Internet searching is that she has been featured on just one work namely
The Canoodling Charming Coon (1894), music by
William George Eaton, words by T. A. King and published by
Howard & Co., London, England.
Judging by the lyrics, Madge Merry was presumably a Black-Face artist and possibly related to
Minna Merry.
l've just arrived From Alabama by the Pullman car express,
And I feel as happy as a kid that isn't born.
The ladies where I come from wear very little dress,
And their Sunday togs they never take to pawn;
They say I am a darkie. and a credit to the place.
For I'm making love from July until June.
I'm admired by the darlings for my elegance and grace
Because I am a charming coloured coon.
I'm called by all the yaller gals the Charming Coloured Coon,
I mash the pretty darlings on a Sunday afternoon.
There's not a nig in all the world knows better how to spoon
Than this champion copper coloured canoodling charming coon
Surfers are welcome to contribute any further information about this performer.