Stanley Kirkby (1878-1949)
Last updated: 06.11.24
url15.gif Stanley Kirkby Biography by  

  Title (Release Year) Composer Performers Issue
  Wax Cylinders      
cylinder15.gif Cheyenne (1906) E.A. van Alstyne Stanley Kirkby Edison Bell Record: 10015
cylinder15.gif You're the Flower of My Heart, Sweet Adeline (1910) H.W. Armstrong Stanley Kirkby Indestructible Record: 1364
cylinder15.gif Joshu-Ah (1911) G. Arthurs Stanley Kirkby Edison Blue Amberol: 23019
cylinder15.gif I'm Sitting by the Stile, Mary (1910) G. Barker Stanley Kirkby Edison Amberol: 12175
cylinder15.gif Let's Have Free Trade Amongst the Girls (1911) H. Castling Stanley Kirkby Edison Amberol: 12327
cylinder15.gif My Southern Maid (1914) H.E. Darewski Stanley Kirkby Edison Blue Amberol Record: 23244
cylinder15.gif When the Fields Are With With Daisies (1908) C.M. Denison Stanley Kirkby Clarion Record: 110
cylinder15.gif Yip-I-Addy-I-Ay! (1910) J.H. Flynn Stanley Kirkby Edison Amberol: 12250
cylinder15.gif Don't Go Down in the Mine, Dad (1910) W. Geddes Stanley Kirkby Edison Amberol: 12290
cylinder15.gif Heroes of the Mine (1911) W. Geddes Stanley Kirkby Edison Amberol: 12304
cylinder15.gif By the Sea (1911) J.A. Glover-Kind Stanley Kirkby Edison Amberol: 12347
cylinder15.gif  Who Were You With Last Night? (1913) F. Godfrey Stanley Kirkby Edison Blue Amberol: 23129
cylinder15.gif The Miner's Dream of Home (1906) W. Godwin Stanley Kirkby Edison Bell Record: 10014
cylinder15.gif Little Shepherdess of Devon (1912) A. Hemley Stanley Kirkby Edison Amberol: 12510
cylinder15.gif Egypt (1903) C.B. Kummer Stanley Kirkby Edison Bell Record: 6397
cylinder15.gif I Had Such a Beautiful Dream (1914) K.R. Lyle Stanley Kirkby Edison Blue Amberol: 23253
cylinder15.gif My Little Wooden Hut (1905) T. Mellor Stanley Kirkby Edison Bell Record: 6726
cylinder15.gif Leave a Little Glimmer in the Fanlight (1911) J.C. Moore Stanley Kirkby Edison Amberol: 12395
cylinder15.gif Tis a Story That Shall Live Forever (1913) P. Pelham Stanley Kirkby Edison Blue Amberol: 23093
cylinder15.gif The Girls I've Left Behind Me (1911) R. Penso Stanley Kirkby Edison Amberol: 12314
cylinder15.gif The Pretty Little Girl From ''Nowhere'' (1910) E.W. Rogers Stanley Kirkby Edison Standard Record: 14034
cylinder15.gif Fall in and Follow Me (1911) B. Scott Stanley Kirkby Edison Amberol: 12282
cylinder15.gif Sing Us a Song of Bonnie Scotland (1913) B. Scott Stanley Kirkby Edison Blue Amberol Record: 23135
cylinder15.gif  When the Snow Birds Cross the Valley (1907) A. Solman Stanley Kirkby Edison Bell Record: 10275
cylinder15.gif Three For Jack (1910) W.H. Squire Stanley Kirkby Indestructible Record: 1375
cylinder15.gif A Sergeant of the Line (1910) W.H. Squire Stanley Kirkby Edison Amberol: 12235
cylinder15.gif Pals (1915?) W.H. Squire Stanley Kirkby Edison Blue Amberol: 23390
cylinder15.gif In the Evening by the Moonlight, Dear Louise (1910) H. von Tilzer Stanley Kirkby Indestructible Record: 1332
cylinder15.gif All Aboard For Margate (1905) Unknown Stanley Kirkby Edison Bell Record: 6741
cylinder15.gif In Happy Moments (1910) W.V. Wallace Stanley Kirkby Indestructible Record: 3151
cylinder15.gif It's a Long, Long Way to Tipperary (1914) H. Williams Stanley Kirkby Indestructible Record: 3342
cylinder15.gif Come Along, Be One of the Boys (1913) L. Wright Stanley Kirkby Edison Blue Amberol: 23009
cylinder15.gif When Your Luck Is In (1912) A. Ellerton (The Younger) Stanley Kirkby Edison Amberol: 12451
This list is derived from information provided by which went down sometime in 2023.
The loss of this valuable resource is very sad and a mystery.
     Title Attribution Remarks
  Somebody Would Shout Out Shop Bert Lee (music)
R.P. Weston (words)
Harry Hudson (perf.)
Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
  Somebody's Coming to Tea Clay Smith (music)
R.P. Weston (words)
Bert Lee (words)
Lee White (perf.)
Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
Harry Hudson (perf.)
  Walking Home With Angeline John E. Rundbach (music)
G. Totten Smith (words)
Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
Eily Hélène (perf.)
The peformer is featured on 38 sheet music/recording covers. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: (w&m) ER
     Title Composer Attribution Items
perf15.jpg Cheyenne (1905) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg You're the Flower of My Heart, Sweet Adeline (1896) Henry W. Armstrong Richard H. Gerard (words)
Albert Campbell (perf.)
Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
Frederick J. Wheeler as James F. Harrison (perf.)
perf15.jpg Joshu-Ah (1911) George Arthurs Bert Lee (co-author)
Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg I'm Sitting by the Stile, Mary (1850) George Barker Lady Dufferin (words)
Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg Let's Have Free Trade Amongst the Girls (1911) Harry Castling John A Glover-Kind (words)
Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg I Used to Sigh For the Silvery Moon (1909) Hermann E. Darewski Leslie Stuart (words)
Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg My Southern Maid (1914) Hermann E. Darewski Leslie Stuart (words)
Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg When the Fields Are With With Daisies (1908) C.M. Denison W. A Pratt (words)
Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg When Your Luck Is In (1912) Alf Ellerton (The Younger) Will Mayne (words)
Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg Yip-I-Addy-I-Ay! (1908) John H. Flynn Will D. Cobb (words)
Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg  Don't Go Down in the Mine, Dad (1910) Will Geddes Lawrence Wright (words)
Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg Heroes of the Mine (1911) Will Geddes Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg By the Sea (1911) John A. Glover-Kind Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg Who Were You With Last Night? (1912) Fred Godfrey(w&m) Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg Miner's Dream of Home (1891), The Will Godwin Leo Dryden (words)
Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg Little Shepherdess of Devon (1912) Alec Hemley Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg Little Miss Demure (1913) Alec Hemley John P Harrington (words)
Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg Egypt (1903) Clare Beecher Kummer(w&m) Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg Somebody Would Shout Out Shop (1915) Bert Lee R.P. Weston (words)
Harry Hudson (perf.)
Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg I Had Such a Beautiful Dream (1913) Kenneth Lyle(w&m) Leslie Stuart (words)
Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg My Little Wooden Hut (1905) Tom Mellor Charles Collins (words)
Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg  Leave a Little Glimmer in the Fanlight (1911) J. Charles Moore Fred E Cliffe (words)
Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg Tis a Story That Shall Live Forever (1913) Paul Pelham Lawrence Wright (words)
Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg Girls I've Left Behind Me (1910), The Ralph Penso(w&m) Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg Pretty Little Girl From ''Nowhere'' (1909), The E.W. Rogers John Neat (words)
Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg Walking Home With Angeline (1902) John E. Rundbach G. Totten Smith (words)
Eily Hélène (perf.)
Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg Fall in and Follow Me (1910) Bennett Scott A J Mills (words)
Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg Sing Us a Song of Bonnie Scotland (1913) Bennett Scott A.J. Mills (words)
Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg Somebody's Coming to Tea (1917) Clay Smith R.P. Weston (words)
Bert Lee (words)
Harry Hudson (perf.)
Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
Lee White (perf.)
perf15.jpg When the Snow Birds Cross the Valley (1906) Alfred Solman Monroe H. Rosenfeld (words)
Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg Three For Jack (1904) William Henry Squire Frederic Edward Weatherly (words)
Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg Sergeant of the Line (1908), A William Henry Squire Fred. E. Weatherly (words)
Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg  Pals (1915?) William Henry Squire Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg In the Evening by the Moonlight, Dear Louise (1909) Harry von Tilzer Andrew B. Sterling (words)
Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg All Aboard For Margate (1905) Unknown Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg In Happy Moments (1860) William Vincent Wallace(w&m) Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg It's a Long, Long Way to Tipperary (1912) Harry Williams Jack Judge (words)
Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
perf15.jpg Come Along, Be One of the Boys (1913) Lawrence Wright Stanley Kirkby (perf.)