Georgia Carroll (1919-2011)
Last updated: 02.08.24
url15.gif Georgia Carroll Biography by  

The peformer is featured on 3 sheet music/recording covers. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located.
     Title Composer Attribution Items
perf15.jpg Candlelight and Wine (1943) James Francis McHugh Harold Adamson (words)
Harry Babbitt (perf.)
Georgia Carroll (perf.)
perf15.jpg Don't Believe Everything You Dream (1943) James Francis McHugh Harold Adamson (words)
Mischa Auer (perf.)
Harry Babbitt (perf.)
Georgia Carroll (perf.)
Joan Davis (perf.)
Kay Kyser (perf.)
Marcy McGuire (perf.)
perf15.jpg They Just Chopped Down the Old Apple Tree (1943) James Francis McHugh Harold Adamson (words)
Mischa Auer (perf.)
Georgia Carroll (perf.)
Joan Davis (perf.)
Kay Kyser (perf.)
Marcy McGuire (perf.)