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The Canny Shepherd Laddies o' the Hills
Last updated: 22.01.22
Brian Kelly put me on "The Canny Shepherd Laddies o' the Hills" in the form of a faded photocopy from some chapbook or other. It is sung to the tune of "Keep your feet still, Geordie Hinnie" and the lyrics are by a certain John Mount, Rothbury. In the song, the singer initially in the first verse laments the fact that there are songs galore about all manners of trades but none about shepherds. He the spends the next 8 verses describing and extolling the noble deeds of his profession in the execution of their tasks.
All great stuff but which I sing very rarely for my own pleasure. It is a bit too folksy for the world-at-large (and my Northumbrian accent with its strong Worcestershire overtones is nothing to write home about either!).