Parker Music Co
Last updated: 01.05.22
Address: 110 W. 40th St., New York, USA

Parker Music Co has 26 publications posted in these webpages. They include 8 items of piano sheet music at the Amazons and 18 items of sheet music in the Lists of Works (Werkverzeichnisse).
     Title Author Supplier
Piano Sheet Music:
sm15.gif Strolling Along on Old Broadway H. Frantzen flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif Automobiling W.C. Parker flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif The Gladiator W.C. Parker flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif I'm Jealous of You W.C. Parker flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif Resurrection Morn W.C. Parker flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif Soul Mates W.C. Parker flag15us.gif
sm15.gif Atlantic City J.M. Winne flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif Pond Lilies J.M. Winne flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Old Virginia Rag (1907) Clyde Douglass
sm15.gif Strolling Along on Old Broadway (1905) Henry Frantzen Jos. C. Farrell (words)
sm15.gif Fluffy Ruffles (1908) Richard Hamilton
sm15.gif Automobiling (1905) Walter Coleman Parker(w&m) Mayme Gehrue (perf.)
Johnny Ford (perf.)
sm15.gif Autumn Leaves (1905) Walter Coleman Parker
sm15.gif Boys in Blue Are Turning Gray (1895), The Walter Coleman Parker
sm15.gif Georgiana Dunn (1906) Walter Coleman Parker
sm15.gif Gladiator (1904), The Walter Coleman Parker
sm15.gif I'm Jealous of You (1905) Walter Coleman Parker(w&m) Baby Abbot (perf.)
sm15.gif If You and I Had Never Met (1895) Walter Coleman Parker(w&m)
sm15.gif Marguerite (1905) Walter Coleman Parker
sm15.gif Resurrection Morn (1905) Walter Coleman Parker
sm15.gif She's Coming Home Tonight (1905) Walter Coleman Parker(w&m)
sm15.gif Soul Mates (1908) Walter Coleman Parker
sm15.gif While the Tom Tom Plays (1907) Walter Coleman Parker
sm15.gif While the Tom Tom Plays - Song (1908) Walter Coleman Parker(w&m) Mayme Gehrue (perf.)
sm15.gif Atlantic City (1906) Jesse M. Winne
sm15.gif  Pond Lilies (1905) Jesse M. Winne