The Musical Charlatan
Last updated: 17.12.19
Printed: 1997 Author: Johann Kuhnau
Publisher: Camden House ISBN: 1571131426
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Studies in German Literature, Linguistics, and Culture
Hardcover: 163 pages, usually ships within 2-3 days.
Amazon Review
This first English translation of a late Baroque German novel makes available a novel realistically portraying the checkered career of a musical charlatan, Caraffa, who believes that in order to be successful in the musical world in Germany, one must pretend to be an Italian. His tricks and ruses, which his German colleagues see through with little difficulty, provide some of the most memorable comic scenes in German literature. At the same time, The Musical Charlatan (written by an accomplished musician, composer and educator) provides an immensely informative and interesting picture of everyday life of the musician toward the end of the 17th century. John R. Russell is an able translator of the original German text, and this Camden House edition is further enhanced with an informative introduction by James Hardin. The Musical Charlatan is a highly recommended literary and historical work of great appeal for modern readers.